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The sprint race was uneventful for Daniella, she started P6 and finished P4 so that means she will have a good start for the race. Both the McLarens and Max will start ahead of her but she is not worried about that, what she is worried about is Lewis will be right behind her starting at P5 and will definitely put pressure on her.

“I don’t want to see either one of the Mercedes driver on the podium tomorrow,” Christian said, mostly to himself. “I can’t afford to look at that smug look on Toto anymore.”

Daniella and Max looked at each other then back at the team principal.

“We will try our best,” Max promised and Daniella nodded in agreement.

Christian gave the drivers a tired smile but it immediately turned into an arrogant smirk when he spotted Toto with Lewis.

The same look was plastered on Toto's face. Both nodded at each other before putting their attention back on their drivers.

“You two are so weird,” Daniella commented before walking away, leaving Max alone with Christian.

“She is right,” Max agreed with his teammate, leaving Christian confused and questioning himself.


Lando was in a deep conversation with George Russell when Daniella approached them.

“What you two talking about?” Daniella asked, sipping her coffee.

“Oh how he ignored me cause he signed with Mercedes,” Lando joked, making George roll his eyes.

“First, I had my headphones on,” George clarified. “And second, I am the second choice mate,” he looked at Daniella who was busy sipping her coffee. “Isn’t this your forth coffee today?”

Daniella shrugged, ignoring the question.

“That’s her fifth,” Lando chuckled as he threw his arm around her should.

“Stop stealing my coffee,” Valtteri pointed at Daniella as he passed the trio, leaving Lando and George confused.

Daniella looked innocently as Lando and George looked at her for explanation.


“This is nice,” Lando mumbled. He head was rested on Daniella’s belly, his hand hugging her waist as her fingers playing with his curls.

“You know, you are going to have to let me go eventually and go back to your hotel,” Daniella chuckled.

Lando slightly pouted and tighten his grip on her waits as he turned to look at her.

“You really want me to go and be alone in my hotel room?” he asked trying to act cute.

Daniella laughed at his cuteness as she gently pulled him up for a kiss.

“You know I don’t want you to go,” she kissed him again. “But your team will think you ran away or someone kidnapped you when they won’t find you in your room tomorrow.”

“Jon and Daniel will cover for me,” he replied. “And I don’t even care if anyone finds out.”

He hold her and quickly rolled her over to the middle of the bed, his eyes travelling from her eyes to her lips.

Daniella let out a laugh but soon stopped and her cheek turned blushing red when she noticed the intense look on her boyfriend’s face.

Soon their lips locked and within seconds their clothes came off.


A/N: How cute is Dani and Lando? Would be a shame if someone tries to break them up ;)

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