Forever and Always

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The after party thing began and I was grinning sitting at the front table with the large wedding party. Speeches. Many speeches.

George went first. "When I was thirteen years old I met Rosanna who instantly became one of my closest friends. We spent Christmas together and we talked about silly things like Pranks. Back then life was easy... But then they had to go and mess it up and fall in love with each other.... Now why is this bad? One, they both told me. Two, they told me not to tell anyone. So days would come when I would comfort Ann for some stupid thing Fred had done and times would come when they would go months without speaking. Then came Fred dating when we were in fifth year. Believe me you do not know jealousy until you have seen Ann jealous. She would not speak to my brother, talk about him and yet her head was filled with thoughts of him. For someone as smart as Ann I am surprised she didn't see that things would turn out alright, but still she got hurt that very year and Fred told her of his girlfriend. It was a silly day when I found a list on the ground, Ann had written it. It read 'Things I need to come to terms with: 1. Me and Fred Weasley will never be together. 2. Draco Malfoy (a boy who was your brother) hates me. 3. Ron Weasley will never learn to chew with his mouth closed. 4. I will never have a normal year at Hogwarts. 5. My mother may never come back. 6. My father may never be proved innocent. 7. My sisters and I may never be as close as just the two of them are.

"I did not know Ann was going through all of this. I simply thought she was just worked up over Fred. That same day they got together. It is funny because Fred found Ann crying saying she was stupid and that he was a git, which is true, but not the point, that was the day they kissed and told each other that they loved one and other. That was the day that their future began and yes they have been through hell to get here but now they are here and the view, I am sure they agree, is great. To my brother and to my new sister. To the bride and the groom. To Fred and Ann."

I gave George a hug as he sat down and so did Fred, it was a wonderful speech in my mind, but what do I know. I have already had two glasses of fire whiskey. Thank god Molly is taking Hope for the rest of the week.

        Sam was the next to stand up, "I don't know how I can follow that... I am Sam, Rosanna's older sister. We were separated when we were only toddlers, but I was old enough to remember my sister and for awhile I thought I would never find her. For years I worried she was being mistreated somewhere, maybe with a death eater or something and she was, but she wasn't mistreated, she was raised as a daughter to them until she could no longer stay there. She had a fake twin, someone she was very close with and then they just suddenly they no longer wanted to speak to her and she was alone. For several years she was lost. She had no family... But she had the Weasleys. I find it ironic that after she lost her twin she became friends with a set of them. When I met Ann in my fifth year for the first time in years she was as confused as a teen could be. Believe me I think I was as confused as she was. I think everyone was. Our dad had broken out of Azkaban and we were confused because of that and terrified for our lives. Then we found out he was innocent and then he was on the run and then Ann was in a coma. How much more could things complicate? Well my dad died and Ann woke up. Then we find out she is with child and then she is engaged, and to me.... Well it just seems like the other day that she was being taken away from me. I am glad that she found someone like you Fred, I am glad she has such a nice family. To the bride, to my sister, to Rosanna."

Next to speak was Remus, he stood up and I just realized he was really tall. I may have had another fire-whiskey. "I have known Rosanna since she was born, and even though I missed a few years while you were growing up I feel like you are more then a niece to me but a friend as well. You are kind hearted and I am glad you found someone like Fred to share your life with. Fred, as you may know Rosanna's father isn't here, but I am also very protective of her, and I must warn you, if you heart her in anyway I will..." Tonks stood up,

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