Chapter 5: Missed My Chance

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Stella's POV

Look out for the <>!

"So champ, want to go cross-country skiing with Bec and I?" dad asked on a Saturday afternoon.

I put my phone down and shrugged, knowing I had nothing else going on. Alice had been unusually quiet today, which meant I had more time than normal on my hands. "Sure."

"Great!" Bec cheered as she walked into the family room. "Get ready. The sun will set in the next hour, and we want to leave soon."

I smiled at her enthusiasm as I got up from the couch I sat on. I welcomed the activity to go out with them and tried to be ask quick as possible to change into something warmer.

Before long, dad, Bec, and I were strapping our boots in the parking lot of the trailhead. I leaned against the car for support as I got into my ski gear. Since the trail was on the edge of town, the parking lot was nearly empty, telling us the trail would be empty as well. That was always a good sign, since we all liked the privacy of taking the path alone.

"How about we take the long route this time?" Bec asked as she strapped on her ski boots, then slipped on her mittens.

Dad looked at me for an answer, knowing that I was normally pickier about the trails we went on.

"Sure. That's fine. Do you think we will get back in time before the sun sets?" I asked as I looked at the lowering sun in the sky.

"I think we will get back right in time if we keep a solid speed," Bec said as she inched closer to the trailhead, getting antsy about going.

"Ok. I'll take your word on it," I said to them as I put on my boots slowly. A headache started to form in the back of my head, lightly thudding against my skull, distracting me from the true task at hand.

"Are you alright?" dad asked as he noticed me wince.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why don't you get a head start? I'll catch up to you," I said as I adjusted a boot that I snapped in too tight.

"Are you sure?" Bec asked as she looked at the trail, then the time on her phone, already wanting to leave.

I nodded with a smile, knowing that I would just slow them down if this headache continued. I knew the path they wanted to take. It took a loop so I could just go the opposite way and meet up with them as they made their way back to the car. "I'm sure."

"Ok, we will see you on the path," dad said as he started on the path and Bec followed.

I watched as they pushed into a tree line just as snow started to fall around me. Knowing that I couldn't waste much time, I quickly finished getting ready, then started on the same path they went down.


As I pushed into the tree line, the snow came down harder, blocking my vision. Between the snow and the raging headache, I found it hard to stay on the path. I took turns through the trees, believing I was on the trail, but after pushing forward for a few minutes, I realized I was far from the path that I was familiar with.

With the sun setting, panic filled me. I looked around for the path however it was now lost in the fresh snow. Before long, it would be completely dark, and I did not know where I was. I had thrown myself into a mess and I needed to get out.

Pushing the snow from my eyes, I broke through a tree line, hoping to see better. I hoped that in the empty field I would at least see the road that I could walk to. I rubbed my eyes as the snow slowed down. I took another step into the field, stopped as I heard a branch snap. "Bec? Dad?" I shouted, hoping to hear them call out to me.

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