Chapter 17: I'll Try It

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Look out for the <>!

Stella's POV

"What did you think of Gray?" I asked dad as we biked together the next morning. The icy wind hit my face as we continued to push forward, but as I thought about Gray, it couldn't help but warm my cheeks. "What did you guys talk about?"

I had waited until the privacy of this bike ride to bring this question up, and I could barely wait any longer. I needed to know what he thought about him in order to validate my own thoughts about him. My father was an outside eye, he knew nothing of school drama, so he would give a proper response that I wanted.

"Honestly, we just talked about you. He brought you up right away and told me he respected you and that he would do nothing to hurt you. He was very well mannered, more well mannered than I ever was at his age. Personally, I think he's a great kid. I give him my stamp of approval, if you wanted that."

I smiled, happy that dad liked him. I knew Gray was a good person, and this confirmed it. Gray was good, more good than anyone would realize, but I saw it, and so did my dad. "I know he is."

"So, did he ask you to be his girlfriend yet?"

I frowned as I thought about how he ran off after the dance we had together. I had no time to talk about us or explain that I was falling for him. That conversation would need to be had sometime soon, but I didn't want to wait, fearing I would miss my moment. "No."

"You'll get there. Man, that boy likes you a lot. He will get there, maybe he hasn't worked up the nerve yet."

"You think he likes me?"

"That's obvious Stella," dad said with a chuckle. "So tell me how the dance was last night. I know you got back late."

The dance was nothing I thought it would be. I only had one dance with Gray before he ran off. Shortly after that, I went back into the gym and spent the remaining of my time with Alice and her friends. Alice gave me a lecture about how I shouldn't have even spent any time with Gray, but it was a short-lived conversation and soon I was dancing with all of them as if I was never with Gray to begin with.

My time with Alice was fun, but the one dance with Gray made the dance completely worth it. His hands on my hips were something that I couldn't get out of my mind. He held me with such confidence but concern all at once, as if he was afraid to get close to me. I wish he would just tell me his concerns because I could help ease them, but that was something that would take time.

"It was really fun. I enjoyed it. I never thought I would be one to enjoy a homecoming dance. But for the first one I attended, it was unforgettable."

"This was your first homecoming?" he asked in shock, as if it was hard to believe.

I smirked at him as I pushed forward on the bike. It was cold out, but now that we had been biking for 30 minutes, it didn't feel so frozen. But as snow fell around us, I realized it was more cold than I thought it was. "You may find it hard to believe, but I am not as popular as you were in school."

"I would think otherwise there because it seems like you have so many friends here."

"I have more friends here than I ever did in LA."

"Is that a good thing?"

I was so caught up with my predicable life, but over time the friends I had in LA stopped calling because they knew I wouldn't adjust my schedule on last-minute plans. But here, my life was nothing but predicable and as stressful as it was, it made me realize that I had missed out on a lot in LA. "I think so. I like the friends I have here."

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