The Farce of Everything (pt 2)

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"Hurry and catch them!" The old grandma yelled to the wolf men before I could snap another neck. Their advances toward me were futile and they looked about like lost sheeps when I continued running around them.

"Go wild, like a beast."

It is always custom for a maid to follow her master's orders. I sped before one man and drove my fist into his sternum and attacked the next one as he flew back, a punctured hole straight in his chest.

Despite my master's actions on sending me to Ouran I think he wants to see me act like this again--like a demon.

"Quick, use the mustard gas!" One demanded. Instantly, the same scent I witnessed two days ago blasted in my face. And it angered me.

"There. She'll be dead in no time. Let's go." A growled creeped up my throat when I thought that this same gas tortured my master for days. I grabbed the nearest man and kicked his mask off, throwing him blindly.

"The results proved insufficient but you used this a second time. Have you not learned your lesson?"

They stumbled back and fired their pistols. My fist clenched and my other caught the lone bullets and threw them back. They went down, dead.

I crushed heads, snapped necks, tore through limbs. I wasn't nearly as neat as Sebastian; I tried not to get blood on me.

After, I noticed I killed one less and old grandma was no longer there. I ran to the back room and found her shuffling through papers, all the while guarded by the wolf man I had lost.

The papers in her hands must be the formula young lord had instructed me to burn.

"Hurry and take the Sulin samples upstairs!"She yelled.  I took care of the man and dropped his carcass on the ground. Stepping over his suited body to finish my duty.

"People talk of love and then they turn around and do something irrational as sacrificing their loved one." I smirked. "Humans are interesting. But I hope all aren't like you."

A frown formed on my face as I looked at her wrinkled one, full of shock. I thought of Hikaru and sighed.

"The formulas shouldn't be used for mass production. Like how you burned my master's mind I'll burn these." Looking into her dilated pupils I saw how fierce my rage was in my vermilion orbs. I touched her shoulder, the spot of her clavicle.
"And you too."
And crushed it.

"It took me time to realize how I was to act as the Phantomhive maid. I was a new demon but you taught me."

I lit the oil lamp and flames circumference the room once I placed sheet after sheet on it.

"You made this very entertaining. Yes young lord. I would gladly go wild for you."

At the Green Manor

"Major Hilde Dickhaut!" Wolfram the butler exclaimed. Amidst all the panic residing from the villagers Hilde, the blond hair woman, turned to the butler with a sneer.
"The B4 factory caught on fire and now the chemical formulas were stolen by that English girl. Explain, Lieutenant!" She yelled.

"If the formulas were lost in the fire, our priority is to capture the Green witch...wouldn't it be better to stop the mustard spray strategy?" Her expression did not change throughout.

She turned around,"Yeah. first commando squad captian, Anne Drewantz." The short female saluted. "Second commando squad captian Grethe Hilbert."   A tall dark haired woman saluted. "Get ready to attack!"

"We've located where the Englishmen are and are ready to operate the new experimental weapon!"

Wolfram drew back, "The new weapon...? Are you planning to use 'that'?"

"Yes." Major Hilde nodded, turning from the two military clad women.  "Our primary goal is to retrieve the Green Witch. However, if she takes even one step out of the forrest...kill her."

The three saluted.


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