Chapter. 21

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Christopher became apologetic, "Guys I'm so sorry, I never wished this upon y'all, if we make it out here alive I promise I'll do anything to make it up to y'all." Christopher begged for their forgiveness as he endangered all their lives.

"Oh spare us the bullshit Chris," Kuchisake interrupted, "you're the reason they're all out here in the first place, you know because you invited them here as they had no idea what you dragged them into." She said as she got enjoyment seeing his attempt at redemption.

"Now you're going to watch them all die."

Before Christopher and Joseph could even get a fraction of a millisecond to blink, Kuchisake appears in front of Daniel.

"Guys she has super speed," Christopher pointed out.

"No shit Sherlock," Kuchisake Onna said and shortly afterward gave a disappointing head shake then added on "I have that and among a ton of other things, that's what being able to manipulate oblivion does, I know I'm great," Kuchisake said in an egotistical tone.

She looked back at Daniel, "You were also eager to get here, what happened to all that confidence and excitement?" Kuchisake asked as she held his chin up to where he was looking dead at her in the eyes.

"She's amazingly beautiful," Daniel thought to himself.

"You think I'm beautiful? That makes this a lot harder as opposed to just killing you," She said in a tiresome voice.

Daniel was in complete shock as he didn't know how she knew that, he became frightened, and started saying anything he could to convince her not to kill him.

"Please don't kill me, I have a wife, a kid, a good job, and I'm happy with my life! Don't do this, I'm begging you!" Daniel began to cry.

"You're right, I don't have to do anything, I want to," Kuchisake then let go of his face and showed him what she truly looks like.

She then grabbed his soul and suddenly he appeared in an infinite Black Sea, "This is my reality, my eternity, the conclusion to all realities which all concepts come to an end boy, what you see now is merely what your finitism can apprehend, this is where all things end up, this a place beyond your universe, where every conflicting ideal meet" Kuchisake said.

"You're a fool, why does God insist on creating things like you humans that will eventually be killed? create things that will eventually be destroyed, create life when it will eventually die? knowing that one day everything you did was for nothing? That isn't a problem here, this is the end of all things," Kuchisake concluded.

As he returned he became mad, Daniel couldn't tell what was up, down, right, left, diagonal, who any of his friends were, he couldn't tell if he was even a boy anymore, everything seemed to be moving, eventually, she erased Daniel from existence.

"That's two down, six to go," she said.

She then faced Aaron.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked.

Aaron thought to himself since I cannot say no or it's instant death, and I cannot say yes or it's still death but longer and more painful; I'd have to try a different approach.

"Ugh, you do realize I can read your mind right? Spare me the whole eternal monologue, it's pointless. You're not getting a way out of this, so answer the question." Kuchisake said as she sat down in the grass waiting on an answer.

Aaron began to sweat, "What if I offered you a deal?"

"Not interested," She quickly responded, "your offer was garbage anyway, I could simply wish for it myself and I'd get any and everything without limitation."

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