Chapter. 14

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The tree of knowledge is a tree that exists on every level of creation and every reality across all multiverses.

The tree is white with pink pedals and red apples on the tree. The pink petals make up a garden surrounding the tree. The tree exists in different parts of the universe.

The apples represent wishes, no matter how complex the wish is an apple could grant it, rather than wish would be infinite knowledge, power, size, super speed, super powers, and more.

There's no true limitation on how great the wish may be, nor there is no limit as the tree of knowledge has countless amounts of apples and after one gets picked off and eaten by those who seek wishes, will be replenished by another apple in its place.

But there are only two wishes for each traveler.

Washington D.C, National mall

"Have you heard of the tree of knowledge?" Avery asked Jamie in response of curiosity, walking with him across the mall.

"Yes I have, but I also heard it's near impossible to reach as nobody knows its whereabouts in the universe, but I heard it can grant you any wish possible," Jamie said in response.

"That's true, I have tried looking for it before but I didn't make it far, we ran low on supplies and we weren't prepared at all, I won't make that same mistake this time around," Avery said in a presumptuous tone.

"Do you have a screw loose? You're going to look for the tree again? That's crazy talk, you'll be dead before you even get close to the vicinity of the tree." Jamie said in hopes to change Avery's mind but it's no hope.

"Look man, I have studied a lifetime to try and get to that tree, I have sacrificed friends, coworkers at NASA, and even a best friend who I called my brother, if I reach that tree I could grant a wish that'll bring them all back, you see that tree can grant you any wish."

"And this time you're coming with me, Jamie," Avery said.

"Oh hell to the fuck no, no, no, I'd rather eat horse shit than go on a suicide mission to some remote fairy tail island floating in the universe with a tree on it, you don't even know if it's real! You've never even seen it before!" Jamie said in a seemingly panicked tone as he didn't want to be dragged on a suicide mission.

"Of course, it's really silly, you believe in God, don't you? How's this any different? God exists beyond that of the universe and every dimension contained here, who's also all-powerful, yet have a hard time believing in an all-granting wish tree?" Avery said in question.

"That's different," Jamie said.

"Is it? Look, just come with me, if we have to make a sacrifice, we can promise each other that if we get to the tree we'll wish each other back to life." Avery said in hopes to get Jamie on board.

"And what if we both get killed? What if we run out of food, water, supplies, oxygen, and more?" Jamie said.

"Good point, we can't bring more people on board as we'll just run out of supplies faster, I guess it's a matter of luck if we find it or not."

"It's a mystery into the unknown and reaches of space," Avery said.

"Hmmm, I guess I'll tag along, I swear to our father God himself if I die you better bring me back to life," Jamie said jokingly but seriously.

Avery laughed "Alright I will come on brother from another mother, it's a long journey ahead of us, we'll have to borrow a ship from NASA though."

Ten hours later.

"Bro it feels like we've been flying for a million years," Jamie said in debilitation.

"I mean the universe is infinite in size and weight, we're going to be flying for a long time until we find the tree of knowledge," Avery said to Jamie as Jamie was so enervated he could pass out.

"We're going to die out here aren't we?" Jamie began to complain.

"Oh stop your bickering, you knew coming out here would put our lives in jeopardy," Avery said.

"Now relax and stop bewailing, it's going to take a while," Avery added on as they got ready for an escapade way ahead.

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