Chapter. 4

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I was short of my youngest brother, I would always get in trouble during school and go out and part with friends, pick on my younger siblings and fight with my oldest sister Layla the most.

Although my relationships with my siblings were very rocky at first I quickly developed a strong bond with each of them, loving them dearly because I sensed when they needed it and needed comfort.

I know that picking on them would only make things worse, even though Jordan never talked to me about his problems or what's been happening. I'm his life. Which now that I think about it he's never done that to anyone not even our parents.

But I could tell by his movement and tone and facial expressions when he is really down. Every time I asked him our conversations would go.

"So how's life treating you?" I asked him hoping for an honest answer.

"Good," Jordan replied.

"Well, are you ok? Do you need to talk about anything?" I asked again hoping for an honest answer or at least something truthful.

"No, I'm good thanks tho." That is what Jordan replied knowing that isn't true, but I can't force him to speak so if he's ready to talk I'll be here.

My other siblings on the other hand would talk to me about anything and I can do the same knowing that our secrets are kept between ourselves.

And I can tell my parents about my problems as well.

During school, I made friends fairly easily which was cool. I would invite some of them over for sleepovers and go out with them to skateparks and for food.

Even though I had a nice life and was spoiled by my parents I was still insecure about my looks and body weight. I wasn't fat or anything but just didn't look the way I wanted to.

I would cut my hair short after growing it past my waist. Sometimes even so short into an afro. Which my parents would hate so much, and so did my other family members.

I just thought I'd look better with shorter hair.

During school, I would sit in the library because I used to hate eating nasty lunch food. So I'd hang out there with my friends until the time passes so we can move on to our next class.

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