Chapter. 10

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My name is Ethan and I'll never understand why people believe in sky daddy and devote their life to a "being" who doesn't even exist.

The whole ideology that "God" is all powerful is stupid, it's a walking paradox, if we where to tell God to create a rock he cannot not lift and he makes it he's not omnipotent, same applies for him being supposedly all knowing if you tell him to create a problem he cannot solve he's not all knowing.

And I'll be completely honest, there's nothing people can tell me that in my opinion that suggests God is real, that all powerful God everyone loves is just not it.

Also if "God" truly exists then why is it that all these terrible people still walk the earth? Why is it innocent kids and people getting killed? Why is it that he has all this unimaginable power yet can't save the world from the people he supposedly created?

Free will my ass, that's just an excuse to scapegoat the fact that sky daddy is wrong and isn't as good as one makes him out to be.

He literally created us for what? Just to live a dreadful life and if he doesn't forgive us for our sins we'll be suffering in hell for eternity in the hands of the devil himself Lucifer?

I'm sick and tired of people telling me that Jesus died for our sins, "God" is good, you're lost and in need of forgiveness, the devil is making you think like this.

They need to shut the fuck up, especially since I don't even believe in the devil either. It's equally as dumb.

To believe there's a being in hell to torture you for eternity with his little demons in the fiery pits of hell itself sounds foolish, something a crazy person would come up with.

How does God exist beyond that of the universe? If God created the universe, who created God? Does God know his creations will perish and suffer for eternity for not repenting our sins?

None of this makes sense and in my opinion it's a contradiction waiting to happen.

Like I said he's a walking contradiction, I'll believe he doesn't exists if someone finds me some fucking proof, and answers.

Otherwise I'll stick to my opinion on God.

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