Chapter. 18

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The universe (Abraham said) is the prodigious all, offers an enigma too astronomical for the finite mind to apprehend, the physical cannot conceive the non-physical. Although people may think you can, the finite mind cannot comprehend the infinite.

The undistinguishable fact of the universe's existence alone defeats the sentimental and the euphoric. There was once a time roughly a few thousand years ago when mankind had the technological advances to answer the conundrums of reality, but even the greatest minds in history cannot answer the fathomable questions that come along with the fascinating universe. Despite the intellectual and technological jump over time, nobody has the insights, perhaps the archangel Micheal will come down from heaven and spread his unimaginable beauty and otherworldly nearly all-knowing intellect upon humanity. But that's highly unlikely and pure wishful thinking.

"Julian, do you believe in the impossible?" Abraham asked swiftly but genuinely.

"Yeah, sure, why not," Julian said in response but with a questionable look on his face.

"Then you would have no problem believing vampires or dragons are real, or perhaps even the mythological Kuchisake Onna," Abraham said to question the extent of his belief.

"Vampires? As in Klaus Michealson from The Vampire diaries?" Julian asked in a shocked but interested tone.


"And Kuchisake is a Japanese legend, she's from beyond the universe and is a vengeful magical spirit, according to legend she has the magical power to break natural laws and distort the fabric of the multiverse, even permanently change the systematic alterations of reality. She can even change the metaphysical! Kuchisake is a legend, usually partaking in mass murder once awakened tho."

"Same with Klaus Michealson he's a legend, an original vampire," Julian was explaining to Abraham in an exciting tone.

"You've done your research, you seem like such a fanboy," Abraham said jokingly as they both began to chuckle.

"Yeah the supernatural is something I love to read about, if you think about it the supernatural is just the natural that cannot be understood by humans," Julian said in an embarrassing and whispery tone.

Abraham smiled at Julian and asked another question, "So you think otherworldly beings exist somewhere out there in all those other universes?"

"Of course!"

"Perhaps the government already found some but is hiding the truth from us because they believe we cannot handle it, perhaps they found some giant animal and are keeping it underground for experimental purposes," Julian added.

"That doesn't seem very logical, Julian, if a giant animal from somewhere in the distance of the endless universe were to come to earth you seriously think some puny earthly weaponry would have any effect?" Abraham asked Julian as if he had blown a gasket.

"Well, if you put it that way, no."

"Why couldn't you let me have this conspiracy theory? Always ruining the fun," Julian said in disappointment.

"So what is even the point?"

"What do you mean?"

"What is the point of life? The point in imagining the possibilities and impossibilities," Julian asked in hopes to get an answer that makes sense in some way.

Who am I kidding, it's Abraham I'm talking to, he doesn't make anything understandable.

Abraham takes a deep breath and begins to rub his chin, "Life is full of disappointment and unanswered questions, earlier this year I saw a young boy die of heart failure, he was about eight. I asked myself, why does such a young life get taken away? Why does a young soul lose all his destiny and enjoyment of life that he had ahead of him, but a sociopath who kills numerous people gets to live? See the light of day tomorrow, it's beyond our comprehension to fathom such stuff, it'll always be an unanswered question, why some lives are more valuable than others. Life is unfair, nobody wins in the end." Abraham said.

"The greatest mysteries the universe offers is not the concept of life and death or light and dark but size, tantalization and everything equivalent of the sort."

"Imagine you're in a sphere, you travel to the ends of the sphere, what's beyond the sphere? Another sphere, beyond that? Another sphere, and even beyond an infinity of them? Nobody knows, you see, size is the greatest mystery of all, and nobody can grasp the truest principles of reality. Or who or what lives beyond it, at its pinnacle and how it views the insignificant of what lays underneath its ascendancy."

"The same is applied to the ocean, a fish may think the ocean is the universe in its eyes, as no matter how deep or far into the ocean he travels, he'll never reach a dead end, he'll always find new species of fish, some friendly but others seeking harm upon the fish. The madness of the great blue ocean and what lies within is the equivalent of the cold world that lays beyond the ocean, a baby that's first born is so full of life, the more the baby grows and travels around the sooner it realizes that not everyone is friendly, not everyone will have the heart it has, not everyone is full of love, the kid will realize that no matter how far into the sunset he goes, he won't find a dead end. The fish in this analogy has no idea what's out here, to it, it might as well be a whole new universe."

"To suggest anything has an end is utter stupidity, not even the universe has an end, you travel beyond the universe then what? You'll find that existence is not a singular infinity but rises to an infinity of them."

"You see how the concepts of size and infinity make how insignificant you really seem? Our place in the universe as I said yesterday is nothing more than a proton in a grain of sand, in the grand scheme of things our planet is nothing but the tiniest speck to the distant helix nebula. In another time flow what if they already begin to burn the grain of sand? Is everything we know already coming to an end? Perhaps it's already begun and we're on track until the universe goes completely black, everything turning deceased and decayed."

"Actually think about how minuscule that concept makes us Julian! If God truly watches over us all, what must it be like from his pinnacle? What must Godhood be like? How does he live? Where? Heaven? That can't be it, there must be someone else as the concept of an end is absurd, how is it possible that God lives beyond the concept of infinity? Even trying to apply any definition and understanding is already adding too much to a being such as God." Abraham added on.

"Imagine you're in a dessert let's say Antarctic desert, which you crossed to find a tree and imagine each grain of sand is a universe, and within every grain of sand is an infinity of others, from our viewpoint, all it would take is a windy day to blow those universes into an eternity of darkness and despair."

"Let's make another analogy to grasp the size of the multiverses, let's say you have a plate full of pancakes, and each pancake is overlapping, now imagine those pancakes to be universes, and within that universe consists of an infinity of other universes, the pancakes stack up infinitely, and every higher level of infinity. That's how small we actually are, Julian." Abraham begins wrapping up his prolonged speech.

"Size... Julian... It's all about size" Abraham concluded.

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