Chapter 17:The Shocking Truth

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My dad kept the cure on the table and said, "That should do it. Now, I need only one favour, honey pie. Will you do it?", and I said, "Yes, dad. What is it?".

He said, "The most important component needed for this cure is a drop of 'your' blood".

Jackson asked in shock, "Her blood? What do you mean by it's the most important component needed? And how do you know that it's 'her' blood?", and my father shouted, "Because it's in her blood!".

Will asked, "What's in her blood?", and he replied, "The cure", which put us in shock.

The cure in my blood was a very big shocking thing for me.

My dad continued, "I'm sorry, honey pie. I know you don't like anyone telling this about me, let alone myself. The main reason for the zombie apocalypse to start in the first place was.......... ME", and I wasn't able to believe my own ears, after hearing what my father said.

He kept going, "I might forget anything but this, I can't do it. Before 16 years, me and my crew were trying to make cures for incurable diseases. But we accidentally found a virus when we were mixing some chemicals together as it exploded. After some time, my colleagues, Brant Jefferson and Theodore Banks said they felt strange and suddenly turned into zombies, pouncing on me. My superiors shot them down with dart guns and put them in the isolation room.

After that, they asked me if I was alright and I said I was okay. But I was exposed to the smoke too when the explosion happened. I started to investigate why and it turned out that a drop of my blood fell in the chemicals before they were combined to create the virus. That might have made me immune to the virus smoke but still, like in movies, zombies are just carriers of the virus and they could still spread the virus to others. So, I started my secret work on finding the cure with my DNA as I was immune the virus smoke just as a prototypic cure. But as I had finished it, I learnt that my superiors wanted to use the virus against the world and use my cure to save them for 'money'. They didn't care about the people suffering, only about the money. So, I took my zombie-turned colleagues back to our town along with the cure I had created. I put the zombies in the isolation chamber of my own laboratory but took the cure home. Your 2nd birthday came two days later but I didn't use the cure on the zombies. Someone probably opened the isolation chamber, releasing the zombies, starting the apocalypse. You know that, after I hit those zombies out of the door and locking it, I found your mother, Julia, bitten. She pounced and tried to bite me but as I escaped, she took and bit you between your shoulder and neck. I had told you it was your birth mark. I took my gun and shot her to save you and I lifted you, you turned into a zombie. In order to save you, I took the cure from the fridge and injected it in you. In the fear that I might lose you, I waited for the cure to work. To my joy, it worked! You turned normal and I hugged you, then I tied you to myself with the blanket.

You know what happened after that. After a few years, I took a sample of your blood and tested it. Your blood was teeming with the cure! It turned out that the cure grew and multiplied in your blood, making you immune to zombie bites. If your blood mixes with this, it would bring a cure that can go airborne. That's why I need a drop of your blood".

Will, Jackson and I were stunned, and I said, "After fighting with the lieutenant and colonel who had said you're the reason for all of this, I'm hearing it directly from you. But whatever you do is always for good. So, take it", stretching out my arm.

He took a syringe and filled it with my blood. He then took a test tube filled with the cure and put a drop of my blood in it. Then he filled it up in another syringe and said, "Okay, now it's time to test it. If this kills me, I want you to take this and my daughter back to the base. This is the root components of the cure and make sure the scientists find the things needed to make it complete. Take care of my daughter", handing Jackson the test tube box. He took the syringe close to his arm.

As he was about to pierce it, Laura came in and said, "Will, I guess you should come with me", taking Will with her. My dad kept the syringe on the table and we waited to know what the hell was happening.

After a few moments, Will came back and said, "Guys, I guess we have a problem".

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