Chapter 5:Alex's Dark Past

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After sometime, my father came there  with hot chocolate for everyone and while everyone was drinking it, Max said, "You know, when Alex and I were in military training, I was not selected as I failed in a test but Alex passed them all. Yet, they did not let him be a military officer and when I asked them why, the reason they told shocked me. They said Alex 'murdered' someone".

Everyone got shocked and Daniel spat the hot chocolate he was drinking and asked, "Wait, murdered?".

My dad said, " Seriously?", cause Daniel spat the hot chocolate on my dad and my dad continued, "This was my favorite shirt, man! Julie, can you get my checkered shirt, honey pie?".

Then a girl named Carrie James asked, "Can you tell us any story that inspired you ever since you were a kid?", and my dad said, "Ok, I'll tell you. I heard this story when I was 10 years old. There was once a boy who lived happily with his parents. His father was a great military squad captain and with his team, he had 62 confirmed kills in six continents. Every month, the father would come to see his family and that time he came for his son's birthday but what he didn't know was that his enemies had hired a killer to kill him. The killer's name was Donald Isaac Eduardo. He always carved his initials on his victims. This time, he had tied up the boy's mother to a chair near the kitchen and told the boy to tell his father, who had got out of his car, to come in the house. The boy tried to warn his father by the sign language his father had taught him but his father, in the happiness of seeing his son, didn't take it seriously and when his father entered the house, the killer knocked him unconscious. Then he carved his initials upon the boy's parents and as the boy's father started to shout at him, the killer poured gasoline upon the parents. He then burned the boy's parents right before the boy's eyes and he started to carve his initials on the boy's back. The boy took a knife from the kitchen table without being unnoticed by the killer and stabbed the killer. Later, he called the cops, telling that he murdered a guy and when the cops had arrived, the house was burning in flames and the boy was sitting on a bench outside the house, all covered in blood with knives in his hand. The boy was sent for a year in juvie and was sent to an orphanage after that. Then he was adopted by some other couple two years later".

One girl, Maddison Charles, asked, "Do you know that boy? Or maybe just his name?", and my dad said, "He was an old friend but I don't remember his name. This story is the only thing I remember of him...... Julie! Bring my checkered shirt!".

I came running to my dad with his shirt and when he changed his shirt, everyone was shocked. On my dad's back, the initials (D.I.E) of the killer in his story, was as a very old bruise and my dad went to sleep. After he was gone, a guy named Michael Stryker asked, "Wait, was he the boy in his story?", and another girl, Mary Butch, replied, "I guess. If it was really him, that's the murder he had done".

Out of nowhere, Alice said, "Yeah, you're right. The boy in the story was him. The only thing he didn't tell you guys was that I was in the story, too".

Everyone got shocked again and Daniel said, "This is a lot of shocks for us today! I think I'm gonna get a heart attack".

Alice continued, "Yeah, I know. Like I was saying, I was in the story too. That guy had finished carving his initials on Alex's back and when he was about to kill him, I knocked the door. You know, me and Alex were childhood friends and also neighbors. That guy came and opened the door, and when I saw Alex tied to the chair, I tried to run but he caught me and tied me to the chair. He carved his initials on my back near my shoulder and when he was about to kill me, Alex untied himself and took those knives, and you know what he did. Later, he called the cops and told me to go but when I told him I won't, he lighted up the house and after we got out, he insisted me to go and hide some where and he sat on the bench. I saw from a distance as the cops arrested him and I waited for a year to see him but they said he was sent to an orphanage. For two years, I searched for him at all orphanages but when I found him, he was adopted and was going out. I ran as fast as I could just to see his face for atleast one time but the car that he got on, went off before I could come out. For three years, I was in a lot of sadness and got transferred to new schools of ten. At that time, I didn't know that it was love but I found it when I got this happiness rising in me during that day at the high school science expo when I figured out it was him. Whatever happened after that, I don't want to speak about it", and she showed everyone the initials on the back of her shoulder.

Max said, "That's enough shocking stories for one night. It's time for bed so I want everyone to have a good night's sleep cause we're gonna get you guys sorted tomorrow".

After hearing this, everyone went to bed.

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