Chapter 11:Mexican Zombie Attack

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We went forward but stopped at a station suddenly.

My dad went to the engine and asked, "Billy, what's wrong? Why are we stopping here?", and he said, "I think there's some loose wiring at the back causing very little current to flow. It won't be enough to get this thing moving again and I don't do electricals. It's Madison's specialty. I'll need to be here so call Maddie to the back of the train".

My dad said, "Fine. Harold, Max and I will take Maddison to the back. Billy have Bethany and idiot with you just in case if you need anything. Stay in touch", handing him a walkie-talkie.

Daniel shouted, "Come on, man! Enough with the 'idiot's shit!", but my dad was already gone. Again. He took Max and Harold along with Maddison to the back of the train and told her to fix the wiring.

Suddenly, there was loud slamming on the door. It was a guy and a woman and behind them a lot of zombies were coming. Max opened the door, letting them in and closing it before the zombies could come.

The guy said, "Thanks, man
I am very grateful", and Max said, "You 'should' be, Mexican. What's your name?".

He replied, "I am Professor Pedro Arronax of the University of Leve'bre. Actually I was that before two years".

Harold said, "Wait! Before 'two' years? All this started over five years ago. So, did it take three years to reach here?".

The girl said, "Yes. Oh! I'm Amy Rogers, his colleague. We were taking a lecture at the university and suddenly cops came in, and shouted to us to evacuate the area as people were turning into rabid monsters out there. We're the only ones who escaped from them. Actually, there were a few others with us", and Max asked, "So, where are they?".

She replied, "Probably in the mob of zombies outside. I do recognise one or two. That zombie with a blue shirt and brown vest", showing a zombie in the group.

Suddenly, the walkie-talkie shouted, "Alex! We need you here right now!".

It was Vanessa! My dad took it and asked, "Vanessa! What is it?", and she replied, "The doors opened suddenly and zombies came in! We shot them down, then the doors closed. Why the f*ck did they open up?".

My dad said, "I have no idea. I'll ask Billy", changing the channel to Billy's walkie-talkie and asked, "Billy! The doors opened now. How?".

Billy said, "The doors could only open if someone from any other compartment. You know, I'm actually reading the train's instruction manual. All doors are connected, so if any one door is opened, all doors open at the same time and if closed, close at the same time. Why do you ask?", and my father shoutes, "Shit!".

Max said, "Come on, we need to gooooo!", as a zombie pounced on him. My dad shot the zombie down and closed the door.

He said, "Some zombies probably came in when we opened the door to let these guys in. We need to get to first compartment from the thirteenth compartment which is twelve compartments apart and we have no idea how many zombies are there in the middle and how long our ammunition would last. So we need to move and also make sure that we take these guys to safety".

They took their guns and opened the door, shooting the zombies on the way.

Max said, "If we have to kill all these things in each compartment, our guns and ammunitions won't last", just as they killed every single one of them. They opened the next door and kept on shooting till everything was dead. They did the same thing to next compartments but the guns went empty at the eighth compartment. They killed the zombies in that compartment with the remaining stuff.

Harold said, "How are we gonna go forward to them without guns?", and my dad replied, "Search this compartment. We might find anything useful".

They searched it completely and lucky for them, they found baseball bats and duct tape. They took some clothes, wrapped them around their arms and started taping them up. Each took a bat in hand and stood ready to hit anything that comes.

Max said, "This is a thing I know well other than shooting bullets", before they opened the door.

Once opened, they started whacking every zombie with the bat, pushing them back as they moved forward to the door. They hit all the zombies to their back and opened and closed the door. They hid behind the seat once they got in. Taking some breath, they started again. They kept following this till the eleventh compartment. The twelfth compartment had more zombies than the others. The zombies kept on pouncing upon them but they managed to get to the door.

As the zombies ran towards them, Harold shouted, "Vanessa! Throw the gun!".

Vanessa threw a gun to him and Harold shot a few zombies before he closed the door, locking himself out.

Vanessa shouted, "Harold! No!!!", as Harold turned towards them, being bitten by zombies behind them.

Harold, with a little tears in his eyes, said, "Just returning the favour, man! Forgive me, Vanessa, cause you 'are' the boss", before he shot himself.

Tears rolled down from Vanessa as she shouted, while my dad and Max held her back from running to the door. After a few moments of consoling, she sat down calmly. Suddenly, Max felt something in his pocket. When he took it out, it was a letter. Max opened it and said, "It's Harold's letter. He probably put it in my pocket when we got here", showing it to everyone.

It read, "Hey guys. It's me Harold. If you are reading this, I might be dead. You know, ever since you saved me from the bathroom, I wanted to return the favour. I also wanted to make sure that when I save you, if I get bit, I won't be the reason any of you become a zombie. Vanessa, I wanted to apologize to you from the beginning but there's a reason I didn't. I kept it as a gift for you in the front zip of my bag", and they checked it, finding a compass with an engraving 'Harold & Vanessa'. When they opened it, it had a picture of both of them on one side and the compass on the other. Vanessa held it in her hands and started weeping.

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