Chapter 7:The Survivors Out There

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On hearing Penny shouting about survivors, my dad ran in and asked, "Survivors? Where?", and Penny replied, " I found a SOS marked on the roof of a house on 47B, Cambridge Street on a drone camera and it was fresh paint".

My dad shouted, "Max, Zack, John, with me to the roof. Others come and stand there", and once they got there, "Harold, Jimmy, Vanessa, make sure they don't do anything stupid and Penny, take care of drones, giving a status report often. Max, let's go on the ziplines".

My dad, Max and the other boys got on the zipline straight to the house they had connected through it.

Once they got out of the house, they took a car and went through the streets as Penny gave directions through the walkie-talkie.

On reaching the house, my dad and Zack went in while John and Max stayed out for cover. As they got in, there was a family of four members, the Johans, and got them out and took a bike nearby and started revving it so all the attention falls upon him. He took the zombies away from the others to buy some time for them to escape.

When the others got to the house, a zombie pounced upon the father of the family and Max had no way but to shoot them both, and started to send everyone through the zipline by the reverse motor of it.

After everyone got on the mall's top floor, my dad turned the bike to the house and started to ride up the zipline with the bike.

On the rooftop of the mall, Daniel said, "I think he's gonna make it",

But the zombies started following him up the zipline, he said again, "Oh no, he's not gonna make it".

My dad took out a big machete and cut the zipline, Daniel said, "Yes! He's gonna make it",

And saw that there was no line to ride upon and shouted, " No! He's not gonna make it",

But my dad jumped from the bike in mid air, and Daniel said, "He is gonna make it! Wait, he's too far away, he's not gonna make it! Oh no, I'm going nuts because of this!".

To everyone's surprise, my ddad took out a grapple gun and shot at the building. The hook grabbed hold of the wall, and my dad connected the gun with his belt, starting it's reverse mode and started running up the wall but as the zombies started climbing up the cut-off zipline, my dad on nearing the top floor, cut off the remaining line and did a somersault, taking the hook off the wall, in the air, landing in front of all others.

He said, "Made it", before he fell unconscious on the ground. Max took him to the medical section, which they had made in a corner of gadgets' section, and after a few minutes of checking my father, he said, " There is nothing to worry about. He fell unconscious because of a little high blood pressure, that went straight to the head with the force of a hammer".

My dad woke up a few hours later, and walked out of the room. He saw Mary sitting with the Bible in her hand and sobbing.

My dad asked, "What's the matter?" and she replied, "I'm afraid that we might not survive this".

My dad said, "You know, you remind me of my first love, Alice. She was crying just like you and when I asked why, she said 'I'm afraid that we won't get out of the place' and then I got us out of there. Just like that, we will survive this", and she said, "Thanks. That is a little helping. Just asking, if you say that Miss Clayton ruined your life, why do you still call her your first love?".

Alice was hiding behind the cash counter, trying to hear what my dad was going to say but Max came in and said, "Alex, I guess we have a little problem here", and went close and whispered to him, "Actually, it should be said 'crisis' and came to the market".

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