Chapter 14:The Unique Zombie

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Jackson asked, "Intelligent? But isn't that impossible?", and he replied, "Maybe. There's a big problem. Alpha, Beta and Delta squads are down by zombie attacks. All 'killed', not turned into zombies".

Jackson asked, "Killed? But Alpha squad had the best soldiers who used to be assassins. It's not possible for zombies to kill them. Carl Hopper, leader of Alpha squad, is the greatest in fighting than everyone".

Lieutenant replied, "I know it, Porter. But the way they died was very serious. They were found dead with their upper jaws along with their skulls, torn off".

I asked, "Everyone's head torn off? Of all three squads?", and he replied, "Yes. It's really shocking to find them dead like that. Porter, I want you to get your squad working on this".

After Jackson left, the Lieutenant turned to me and said, "Officer Julie, I don't think you would like this. But the way their bodies laid, got Colonel Kent's team in shock. They were placed like letters forming your name, Julie. You might think it could have been a human, but we checked the surveillance cameras we had fit in the area. It was clear that whatever happened was by a zombie".

I asked, "How the hell did a zombie align dead bodies in a way that it forms my name? 'My' name? Isn't that completely insane?", and he replied, "That is exactly what we thought. But this video says otherwise", showing me a video clip.

It was the surveillance camera video and in it, there was a zombie doing sign language! I was able to understand it. It was saying 'I.Want.It' while showing the dead bodies. But I was only able to see it's white eyes as it's face was not clear.

I said, "How could a zombie do sign language? Even if it could, why the heck does it want me?", and he said, "I have no idea. But I guess you need to find this zombie and know why it needs you. Just not now. I'll find where that zombie will be and give you the location. Make sure you go alone that time. We can't put your friends in danger and that's the same reason I sent Jackson out, telling that his squad should work on this. I will later give him another location that's far from this zombie's location so that you would have no problem ".

I said, "No problem for what? Dying? After whatever it did, going after it is suicide. But you want me to go. Alone. All by myself. Just because that thing wants me".

He said, "It's the only way. If it does really want you, you need to find why it needs you. Then if you find out the reason, I want you to bring it here using this", handing me a dart gun.

Taking it, I said, "I want the location the next second you get it. ASAP. If you don't do it, I'll shoot you with this gun", and left the room.

Out there, Will was giving training to juniors and waved to me. I waved back and went on to the training area. As I took off my shirt and started punching the punching-bag, my thoughts went on about that zombie which killed the men of the three best squads of the force. How could one zombie do that?

As I kept punching, Sam came and said, "Julie, I guess something's wrong. Unless you won't be punching that like hell. Just tell me", and I replied, "It's nothing and if you keep asking, I'll kick you in the nuts".

He cleared his throat and said, "Okay, good. I'll be leaving right now".

The next day morning, lieutenant Murphy called me to his office through the walkie. Once I got there, he said, "We have the location but we don't know if might be correct. So, here", handing me a file. I read the file and said, "There's sightings of zombie movement in a laboratory, huh. That's a little odd. It's back near Panama Canal".

Lieutenant said, "Yes, you need to go there and make sure your friends don't come".

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