Chapter 15:The Zombie Of The Lab

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I said, "Yes, sir!", and left the room, saying through the walkie, "Will, get the squad for a meeting at the training area", and he said, "Got it, JC". JC was the nickname he kept for me. As I got to the training area, my squad was waiting for me and I started to tell them about the new mission but I told them it like a extracting mission and that there are only few zombies but the survivor has no idea how to survive out there.

After I finished, Will got up and said, "JC, I do know you like to do reckless things but this, this is out of the world! And telling we don't have to come, that's worse! We could just spend stupid Sam for it".

Sam said, "Seriously, dude. I'm convincing her to not go alone, but you're putting me there and calling me stupid".

I said, "You can try to convince me but I have made up my mind. You guys are staying and that's an order. No other words", and left.

I went back to my cabin to grab some gear. There, Alice was looking at my locket, weeping.

I asked, "What's wrong, mom?", and she replied, "It's your father's birthday and deathday. I just can't forget it and I almost forgot, you left the locket on the bed. Here", handing it to me.

Taking it, I said, "Thanks, mom. I can't forget it too", before wearing it on my neck. Then I hugged her, thinking it might be our last visit if the zombie kills me, and said, "Good bye, mom. I love you", before I left.

As I got to my bike to leave, Jackson came and said, "Hey, Jewel. Heard you're gonna be in solo action on mission. Just wanted to say.......... Good luck".

I said, "Thanks", as I got on, started it and left the place.

I crossed the tunnel and went on the highway to get to the Panama Canal. What I didn't know was that my friends were following me in a jeep. As I reached the Panama Canal, I got off and started looking for the lab. After a lot of searching, I found it twenty-seven blocks later. Keeping my guns ready, I got in. I searched around the area for all the zombie.

Suddenly, a zombie pounced on me. Shocked, I kicked it away and took my gun to shoot it but froze. To my horror, the zombie was 'my father'.

As tears rolled down from my eyes, I said, "Dad? I can't believe you're alive. I missed you so much and I don't want to hurt you", while I dropped my guns and kicked them away.

He started to come towards me and I went backwards. As I kept going backwards, something obstructed me. It was a dead end! I was trapped between a big tile-covered cement-brick wall and a thing that was my father! Suddenly, from the ceiling ventilation, Will came down and fired at it, saying, "Hi, JC".

But the zombie escaped the bullet and as Will was about to fire again, I shouted, "No! It's my dad, Will!".

He asked in shock, "Wait, that's Mr. Carter?", while lowering his gun and as I nodded, he said, "JC, that might have been Mr. Carter but he's not himself anymore".

I replied, "Whatever it is, he's my dad and if you do any harm to him, I'll put you in a grave!".

He said, "Fine!", and dropped his gun. Suddenly, a bullet hit my father's back and he fell down. Behind him, the DEATH squad came in with rifles pointing them at my father.

Taking the gun from Will, I shot at Rebecca's shoulder and Jackson shouted, "Jewel, what are you doing?".

I shouted back, "That's my father. You try to shoot him, you die. Don't do it......please".

Suddenly, my dad put his arm around my neck, choking me. As Jackson raised his gun to shoot, I said, "No! Don't!", and he said, "Jewel, he's gonna kill you!".

Laura shouted, "Julie! Move your head!", as she pointed her gun at my dad. To all of our surprise, the zombie talked. It said, "Julie? Is it really you, honey pie?", as it turned it's head towards me, loosening its grip. As I turned around, I was able to see one of it's eyes turning normal. I nodded and it said cheerfully, "Oh my Lords! I can't believe it's you! You're all grown up. I knew it! I always knew you would survi----".

He wasn't able to finish as the virus started to take over again, which was able to be known by the change in his eyes, again.

But he was fighting back by hitting on the walls and floors, shouting, " NO!..... NO!!!...... NOOOO!!!!!", and his both eyes turned normal.

He got up and said, "Thanks, soldier. If you had not called her by her name, I would have been the guy who killed his own daughter", and looked around the place, continued, "I guess you got some friends, honey pie. It's just like my gang when you were a kid. Oh! I almost forgot. I need to take you guys to the cure".

Will asked, "Wait, cure?!!!", and he replied, "Yes. It would take some time to explain but I'll do it later once we get there", leading us through a corridor.

We reached a door marked 'Project Z' and my dad put his hand on the handprint scanner, while doing a retina scan through another scanner. Suddenly, a mike came through and he said through it, "Dr.Alexander Carter", and the door opened.

He said, "Come on in, guys", and went in.

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