Chapter 6:Sorted Out

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Next day morning, Max and my dad were taking them to the mall. Once they entered the tunnel to the black market, Alfred said, "Man, all these guns and weapons. We can just take them all and go out shooting those zombies", but my dad shouted, " No! We can't just take them and go out. What we have to do is find more survivors".

They all went down the other tunnel to the old mine and got on the hand car and went straight to the mall. Once they got there, my dad told Vanessa to check the girls in the gang and Harold to check the boys if they haad any weapons hidden with them. Then they went to clothes section. Guy's to the men's section and girls to the women wear and my dad told, "Take anything you want and don't mess things up", but everyone were kind of angry on my dad and his friends cause my dad was a little tense upon them.

Later, he asked, "Is there any nerds in your gang?", and Alfred replied, "Yeah, that's Billy and Maddison. Uh, why do you ask?".

Max said, "We need to fix an intercom to communicate with the Brazilian survival base for a status report", and Michael asked, "Wait. Didn't you tell that Alex was good at fixing and inventing stuff and worked as a scienctist? Couldn't he just fix it himself?", in a stern voice.

Max replied, "He was a scientist, five years ago, and stopped the fixing and inventing stuff like over ten years ago", and my dad shouted, "I know you guys want to get the f*ck out of this place. So, if you want to get out, send the nerds to the gadget's floor", with a gun at that guy's forehead.

Later, in the gadget's floor, Billy and Maddison came and found my dad near an intercom. Billy asked, "Is that the intercom? Should we really fix that and why can't we use phones?", and my dad replied, "There is no signal in this area. The signal was cut off when zombies attacked ms the only place with signal is the woods. Plus, we don't know if there are any zombies in that place and maybe, some animals would have gotten affected by them. The intercom is our best shot cause every military base has an intercom for communication. So, shut the hell and fix it up!".

Billy was silenced completely and started to try and fix the intercom along with Maddison. The others were sitting in the kids' playground and Alfred said, "You know, that Alex has no right in commanding us like we're his toy soldiers cause we are survivors just like him and we were surviving out in the open while he stayed in this place for four years, so we should be commanding him. I say, we all stand up against him and bust the hell out of this place!", and while he was talking a paper ball hit him.

Max had thrown it and he said, "You try to do that, Alex would kill every single one of you", Mary asks, "Why would he do that? Is he that a bad guy?", to which Max replied, "No. Before all this, Alex was completely the opposite of what he is now. Actually, twice the opposite. He was like every other happy guy living with a family but when all this started, he never showed any other emotion except for tense and sternful voice to all but his daughter. He has never smiled to anyone else. Not even his best buddy, me. He transformed completely into a new guy after he killed his wife".

Bethany asked, "Wait, killed his 'wife'?!!", and Harold came in and replied, " Yeah, he did. I heard that story after I met these guys", Vanessa came in too and said, "Actually after he found me in the market with the meat cleavers. You know, I've been asking him to apologize for what happened but he won't tell it".

Harold replied, "What do you mean 'apologize'? I am the boss so I don't apologize to anyone", to which Vanessa said, " Oh yeah!", and they both started fighting.

Suddenly, Penny ran in shouting, "Survivors! Survivors!".

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