Chapter 8:Crisis for Surviving

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My dad and Max went to the market and Max said, "I guess we won't have enough rations for upcoming days", and my dad asked, "What do you mean by not having enough food?", to which Max replied, "Yeah man. Even though we eat once a day, there are a lot of people with us. I think this would only last for like a month and we might have to move to Brazilian survival base and fast!".

My father said, "We need to tell about this to everyone and must get ready to move", and Max asked, "What do you mean 'move'? With what?", to which my father shouted, "Just go".

In the kids' wear section, Thomas and Sarah were sitting near a clothes rack and Thomas said, "You know, I dreamt of us finishing high school and college and getting married, having kids and coming to a mall for buying some clothes for them. Wouldn't that have been nice?", and she replied, "Yeah, I wanted that too", while they were talking, Max said, "Sorry to interrupt your romantic dreams, but we're pretty much in a 'crisis' here", and Thomas asked, "What do you mean 'crisis'?.

Max replied, "Shut the f*ck up and come to the market", and he ran to all floors, delivering the message to everyone.

Once everyone came to the market, Daniel asked, "What? Is it eating time already?", and my dad replied, "No! But if we stay here any longer, we won't have the 'eating time' anymore, idiot!".

Alfred said, "You mean there's no food", and Max said, "We have some, but it won't last long enough. So, we need to get sorted out".

My dad shouted, "Everyone get moving. I need Thomas, Sarah and Michael on food duty. Maddison, Billy get the intercom. Alfred, Mary and Carrie, clothes. Bethany and the idiot should drive the handcar. We need to move everything to the military base!", and Daniel said, "Yes sir! Wait, who's the idiot?", and Max replied, "You are the idiot".

Daniel said, "Come on, it's not fair", but no one took him serious and went to do their jobs.

They started to take everything to the base and once they got there, Alice asked, "So, do you have any idea how we're going to get out of here?", but my dad didn't reply, instead he pressed a button of a remote. Suddenly, the shutter of a garage started to open and inside of it, a giant eight-wheel vehicle in the size of a tank that was capable of carrying over 20 people stood there. Then my father said, "Happy birthday Max", Max was stunned and he continued, "We need to shift food, clothes, ammunition and people on this right now. I fixed her up in a way that she can flatten over a 100 zombies coming when we're in the woods. Now let's bust the hell out of this place!".

Everyone got on and they busted out through the wall, trampling a lot of zombies in the way. Max, who was driving it, shouted, "Whoooo-hooooo! This is the best birthday gift ever!", and my dad replied, "Yeah. I know".

Max said, "Wait, are you smiling at me?", my father said, " Yeah", and turned to me and asked, "You like it?", and I nodded.

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