Chapter 9:The Train Journey To Brazil

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While going through the forest, everyone took turns in driving the vehicle and seeing whatever comes infront or back of them. At night it was my dad's turn to drive and Alice's to seeing what's out there.

Alice said, "You're route is very dangerous. Couldn't we have gone around the woods cause I can't see anything in the dark", and my dad replied, "If we go around the woods, it would take like five weeks with the wheels we have but through the woods just five days to the nearby train station. Everything I do is for good".

Alice asked, "Wait! Train station? Can't we go with this? And what do you mean by 'everything you do is for good'?!", and he replied, "We can't use this. It would take a long time before we can cross USA but a train going at full speed can take us there in no time. It is true whatever I did, doing and going to do 'is' always for good".

She asked, "So you're telling you did everything for good. Like marrying another woman when there was one living with your memory? Having a daughter with her?", and my dad shouted, "I did that so you could be happy with your 'husband' and I left the town and went far away so that you could forget me altogether. Yet, I still loved you like I did before and even my daughter, I love her as equal as I love you! You said I married a woman while you were living with my memory! Actually, you married a guy when I was living with your memory!".

Alice shouted back, "So you think I'm----", but my dad interrupted, " We're here".

Alice glared at my dad and looked at me as I was sleeping on her. She started patting me gently on my back as we reached the station. My dad shouted at the back, "Max, make sure everyone gets ready with all stuff. We'll have to move at dawn", and Max said, "Got it, bro!", and then he opened a small window that was between the driver's seat and the remaining compartment.

He asked, "Did you say we'll move at 'dawn'? Why can't we go now?", and my dad replied, " It's too dark. We won't be able to see what's gonna hit us and what we're gonna hit. So, dawn is our best option and now, wake everyone up! It's only a couple of hours before dawn".

Max woke everyone and helped them in getting ready while my dad started playing with me. Dawn came way quick than expected.

My dad told me, "Julie, we need to go there and daddy needs to drive. So hop on your mother", and I went to Alice's lap and she was about to say something but she didn't. We all went in the vehicle into the station, going near the train.

Daniel asked, "Do you really think we can go in this? I mean, it's been standing here for like what, five years? So, it probably won't run anymore", and my dad said, "Shut up idiot! This is none of your business. I want you guys in the compartment and I want you to seal all doors cause we don't know what might be lurking in this place. Me, Max, Bethany, Billy and the idiot will be at the engine to move this 'rust bucket' out of here. Make sure you seal the doors and check it, twice, if it hasn't been closed. It's very important that they must be closed or zombies would rush in. Let's go!".

My dad, Max, Harold and Vanessa got out and stood, pointing out their guns to see if any zombies were out there and told everyone to come one by one. My dad and Max opened the door of the train and jumped in to scout the train. The compartment was clear and they said everyone to come in one by one.

Everyone was in except for Billy and the others but when they were carrying the intercom. It bumped in the door and zombies started to come in from all sides.

My father pushed the intercom in along with Vanessa and took Billy, Daniel and Bethany along with Max and Harold to the engine compartment.

Once they got in, my dad locked the door and said, "Billy, get the engine running now!", and Billy tried to start the engine by hot-wiring it. It succeeded and they were out of there.

My father asked Vanessa through the walkie-talkie, "Is everything all right? There aren't any zombies there, are they? Oh, make sure Julie doesn't cry and tell her I'm coming there. Make sure you locked the door. Over", and she replied, "Yes, everything's fine and there are no zombies here. The doors are locked but Julie started to cry. Over".

He said, "On my way", and turned to Max and said, "Come on, let's go. Bethany, Idiot, I want you both here to help Billy", and Daniel told, "Come on, man! My name is Daniel so call me that please. I don't like this 'Idiot' nickname", but my dad and Max had already left to the compartment we were in..

Once they reached there, I ran and hugged my dad and he checked if everyone was there. Harold who came behind them asked, "So, are we gonna make it to Brazil?", Max said, "It would take two weeks but we'll make it".

Alfred shouted, "YES!!!", and my dad said, "Okay everyone, get settled and take some rest, after all that happened back there. We're on our way to Brazil!".

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