Chapter 10:Across USA, Into Mexico

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It became night and everyone went to sleep including me but my dad stayed awake. As Alice came and sat near him, he said, "It's been a long time since I was in this silence and I'm sorry for calling you my daughter's mother", and she replied, "It's okay. Julie is like a daughter I never had. I only wish couldn't she have been 'our' daughter".

My dad said, "You know, your husband won't allow that, if he is 'alive' or in his senses", and she said, "You think I'm married to that b*tch, Bruce. I never even liked him. My parent's just finished the engagement and started prepping for the marriage. I only knew they had arranged a marriage for me on the date of marriage. I ran away the night before it could happen while they put my sister in the marriage hall the next day. I also learnt that you asked Lucy about me but she didn't know about me leaving. I went a little far away to escape my family's rage upon me and I couldn't come back after the day I had selected for returning because I didn't have enough money to come back. So, I worked there in a shop to earn money for my return but I was late again. When I found you, you were going inside a mall and I followed. Then I saw you talking to another woman, and I found that she was your wife by asking a worker at the mall. That's when I came fighting with you. Even though I am getting angry at you, fighting with you, I just can't bring out hatred upon you because I still love you".

My dad said, "So do I, but I didn't know about your escape until my daughter was born and I wanted you to have a nice life. That's why I went far away from you and she could be 'our' daughter. I always wished of us getting married, having a daughter just like Julie. I know it might not be the right time to ask but with our relatives dead or as zombies. Will you be the mother of my daughter?", and she replied, "Yes. With pleasure, kitty".

My dad said, "Again with the kitty stuff but it kind of sounds nice after hearing it from a long time. Do you remember how it started?", and she said, "I always remember our sweet memories. It was at the school fancy dress competition. You were a cat and I was an eagle. From that, I called you kitty and you called me birdie".

My dad told, "Yeah, I remember now. Those were times. I always wish couldn't they be permanent but----", Max had woken up and interrupted, "I can't believe this is happening. First you be lovebirds, and then cats fighting for a fish and now back again to be lovebirds. I can't even tolerate any of this and I want you two to keep your romances in a compartment, other than this one cause there are people who need to sleep in this room. SHEESH! Man, can't get some sleep in this place!".

My dad and Alice laughed as Max went to sleep. It became morning in no time and like they did with the vehicle, they took turns in driving the train.

When Alfred and Mary were in the engine room, he asked her, "Why do you always carry that shit everywhere?", pointing at her Bible and cross.

She replied, "It's the only remaining memory of my father. He was a worker at the church and also a protester against the bad government workers. They, being angry on him, burnt him along with the church. After the flames were put out, these were only able to be saved. That's why I carry them everywhere. They give a feeling like my dad's always with me".

Alfred said, "I know that feeling. When I was a kid, my parents died in a car accident and I was sent to an orphanage. There I had a friend, she was a very nice girl. We two had a connection, actually 'love'. We used to tell each other that we should always be together and get married when we grow up. But she was adopted and we exchanged stuff to remember each other. I gave her the watch I was wearing and got her ring which I'm using as a locket for the chain I'm wearing now", and showed her the ring on his chain.

She got shocked and asked, "Do you remember how your watch looked like?", and he replied, "I think it was red. No! Black. Oh shit! Wait I need to think for some time".

She said, "Does it look like this?", showing a old watch in her hand.

He looked in shock and asked, "Are you...?", and she nodded and they both hugged each other.

Suddenly, out of nowhere a voice said, "Wow, you guys are made for each other". It was Max.

He continued, "I think you should probably go and discuss with each other about one another while I drive".

They both ran from the engine compartment and Max sat on the seat, saying, "Man! Kids!".

A couple of days passed just like that, with everyone talking about their life, their dreams and other stuff. It was the second day of the second week and Daniel came running and told, "Hey guys! Billy just told me that we're in Mexico", and Max said, "Great! We just made contact with the Brazilian Survival Base. When we said we're coming, they said that they will be ready for our arrival!".

My dad said, "Good! So what are we waiting for? Let's get going. Hey idiot, tell Billy to go at full speed".

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