Chapter 3:The Five Years of Survival

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The war between my father and zombies began. My father and Max sent out drones to see if there are any survivors or survival base out there.

They found a girl named Penny Anderson. She started to take care of drones while my dad and Max went out in search of survivors.

Harold and Vanessa took care of the base and mall while others were busy. They also built a zip line from the top floor of the mall to the balcony of a house that was locked from inside, so that no zombie can enter it. They also found other survivors in different areas.

They were a small boy named Jimmy Gomez and two friends, John Edward and Zack George.

The drones were not able to find any more survivors out there and the nearest survival base was in Brazil, South America which was over 7344 km away. So, my dad and Max had to bring those drones back.

They were searching for a year but found nothing except those kids out there but they kept sending the drones every month just in case the people survived all those days.

Yet, they couldn't find anything else for another four years. So, it became five years and on the beginning of the sixth year as the drone was coming back, it showed a group of survivors running towards the base.

Max and my dad ran to the gate carrying guns and opened it. There were like ten survivors running towards them.

My dad ran out shooting the zombies coming behind them while Max stayed back near the gate covering my dad and preventing zombies from entering the base.

After they went in, my dad was about to close the gate but a girl shouted, "No, Daniel is not here yet! ".

Max asked, " Who? ", and she replied, " The guy coming in front of the zombies ".

As she said, a guy came running in front of those zombies. He was running very tough with a half-bitten burger in his hand.

When he got near the gate, Max pulled him in and my dad shut the gate, crushing a lot of zombie hands with it.

He said, " Thanks man ", and Max said, " Actually we were going to lock you out unless this girl told you were out there", showing the girl.

He said, "I knew it, Bethany. I know that you care about me", and Bethany replied, " I do not care about you. It's just humanity, idiot ".

One girl in the group took off her mask.

My dad shouted in surprise, " Alice! Is that you? ", and she asked back, " Wait, are you Alex? ".

Max said, " Oh shit! Not again", as my dad and Alice started to fight.

My dad shouted, "Why are you here, huh? To ruin my life again", while she shouted, "Ruin your life. You ruined my life". It kept going on until the others split them up.

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