Chapter 13:It's Not The End, Just The Beginning

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I began my training in the Base as a cadet, for seven years before my first mission of saving survivors when I was fourteen years old. I wanted to be just like my dad. I worked for Lieutenant Joseph Murphy under the supervision of Colonel Edward Kent, till I turn fifteen.

To our tragedy, the zombies began to spread across the globe and the International Zombie Survival Task Force were stuck in a giant problem of all the people turning into zombies.

To increase the tragedy, Max died all of a sudden as he was suffering from blood clot in his brain. We never knew about it as he didn't tell anyone. Three years after he died, I started to lead my own squad.

William Johan, 18 years old, who was rescued by my father ten years ago, is my best friend and partner.

Samuel Deckard, 18 years old, and Jennifer Baxley, 17 years old, who were in the Base before us.

We were the STRIKE squad and we had an opponent squad called DEATH squad.

The leader was Jackson Porter, 18 years old, was at the Base ever since he was born.

Second in command was Rebecca Murphy, 17 years old, daughter of Lieutenant Murphy.

Laura Johan, 18 years old, William's twin sister and she hates him.

Richard Smith, 17 years old, was born here and best friend of Jackson.

Our squads held grudges against each other: This was all written in my diary.

Lieutenant and Colonel were reading it to know more about my past. Colonel Kent asked me, "Is this all of it?", and I replied, "Yes sir. That's all I know from the information I knew and based on what I learnt from the other survivors who came along with me ten years ago".

Lieutenant Murphy said, "We're asking this to know about your father, Mr. Carter", and I asked, "Why would you want to know that, sir?".

Colonel replied, "I know you do not wanna hear anything like this but as you insist, I'm gonna tell you. We believe that your father used to work as a scientist and he's the one that probably started this virus to spread".

I started shouting, "You have no right to tell a f*cking word about my father like that! If you say that one more time, I will tear off your head and limbs, dip them in oil and fire it up as firewood for roasting your dead body over it, which I would feed to the zombies!".

Lieutenant shouted, "How dare you threaten a senior officer like that! Now leave!", and I said, "Sir", and he continued, "I guess you are of no use to us. So, leave now!".

I replied, "Yes, sir", and left the place. I went to my cabin and Alice was just setting the table. She said, "You're just in time for supper, J", and I replied, "After what happened today, a good supper is just the thing I want, mom".

Suddenly, a voice said, "I want supper too, Julie". It was Peter Watson, Billy Watson and Carrie Watson's son.

This had happened ten years ago. Once we had got in, Carrie said to Billy, "Thanks for saving my life. You are one badass nerd", before kissing him on the cheek. Billy froze and fell down right away. Later, they got married and had a boy. That boy was Peter, and behind him were Kelly and Alvin.

Kelly was Alfred and Mary's daughter. Alvin was Daniel's and Bethany's son.

Alvin said, "I want it too", before he slipped and fell face-flat on the floor. Alice laughed, lifted him up and said, "You're just like your father, Al. Come on, let's eat".

Then she looked at my face and said, "So, someone said something wrong about your father. Who was it?", and I said, "No one. Why do you say that, mom?".

She said, "I know very well about you, J. If anyone says anything about your dad, you talk to them like you've gone mad and come to me with the long face. You think I don't notice it. Who said it?".

I replied, "Fine, mom! The Colonel. He said dad might be the reason for the virus to spread across the globe".

She said, "It's okay, J. What he said is just similar to the stuff like your father and me telling I'm your mother for seven years until you found about your real mother. Don't worry, everyone who seeks truth will get it. Now, sit down and eat before your food gets cold".

I smiled, sat down and started to eat. After I finished supper, Alice said, "It's been a long day. You should take some rest, J", and I replied "I'm not tired, mom".

She said, "Like I said, I know very well. You are tired and I was not asking. I order you to take some rest, soldier".

I said, "Fine, 'sir'. I'll go take some rest", and went to my bed and started to sleep.

Next day morning, Will, short for William, came and woke me up, telling I overslept and Lieutenant wanted to see me. I went in and got dressed. Then I went to the Lieutenant's office where he was waiting for me along with Jackson.

Once I got there, I said, "Sir!", and he said, "Ok. STRIKE, DEATH, I have very important information for your squads", and Jackson asked, "What is it, sir?".

Lieutenant said, "I think the zombies are getting intelligent".

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