Chapter 2:The Black Market and St. Peters Mall

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As Max fell through the tunnel, he landed on a mattress in a underground room filled with weapons belonging to the government's military force.

Max shouted, "Alex, I think I found the black market".

My father took me and tied me to himself again before he jumped in the hole.

My dad said, " You are right, this is the black market", as he showed a black board with the words ' Welcome buyers ' and Max replied, "So we have to find the door and the another tunnel".

They both searched around and my father said, " Found it! ".

Then they took some guns just in case if there was a zombie in that tunnel before they jumped in. That tunnel led to a place that used to be a mine, which had run out decades ago. There was still a track and a hand car, maybe for the buyers.

My dad said, "We need to find where this track leads to", Max replied, " So, what are we waiting for? ".

They took the hand car until there was a dead end. At the dead end, there was a step ladder going upwards. As they climbed up, there was a door behind them and a small platform to stand upon. When they opened the door, they were in the basement of some kind of building. They were on the side where there were no lights and it had a sign telling it was construction area.

Max said, "So, that b*tch planned everything completely", my dad nodded.

They climbed upstairs and found out they were in a mall! My father said to me, " Julie, Julie, we're in a mall, honeypie".

Max said, " You know, you can tell it to me, a fully grown man with all senses instead of a baby who has no idea about what is happening here and wait, did you just call her with a name very close to your wife's name?".

My dad replied, "Yeah, I wanted to name her that on her 2nd birthday as a gift for her and a surprise for my wife but she didn't live for the surprise".

Max said, " Sorry, man".

While they walked and looked around, there was pounding on the gent's bathroom door.

My dad stood ready with his gun as Max broke open the door.

Outside jumped a guy crying and telling, " Thank you, thank you so much. I love you".

Max asked, "Can I shoot him? ", but my dad said no and asked the guy to tell them what had happened.

The guy told, " My name is Harold Peters, the owner of St. Peters mall and I was stuck inside this bathroom for one f*cking month. It happened like every other day. I gave my very enthusiastic speech to my workers and opened the door. Suddenly, people ran in like animals and started pouncing on to my workers. One of them, he locked the door and he turned and he turned into a monster just like the other people. I took with me two guys and ran to this bathroom. I told them to lock the door and kick the key under the door after I went in and told them to hide in places themselves. Once they did the job, I took the key and put it in my pocket. Some time later, I wanted to go out and check if the zombies are still there. When I took the key out of the pocket, it slipped from these stupid f*cking hands and fell in the toilet and while I was trying to take it, I accidentally flushed it. From then I've been living only by water for a month".

Max said, "Oh my god, we were doing the same man".

Suddenly, two zombies pounced on Harold and my dad shot them down but there were bite marks on Harold's coat.

He said, " Max, keep your gun ready, just in case he got bit. I am going to check him".

While my father checked Harold, Max said, "Whether he's bit or not, I am going to shoot him".

My dad said he was clear, saved by his thick coat and told Max not to shoot him. The mall had ten floors including the basement and topmost floor. The other floors were market, gadgets, kid's wear, kid's playground, women's wear, men's wear and security respectively. The market was in two floors.

Harold said, "We have a lot of food here which do not get spoiled for very long times. I bought them specially as no one mostly buys them. Most of the customers who come here buy things from the black market, which by f*cking hell, I can't find".

Max asked, " You know about the black market too?!! ", and Harold nodded.

My dad said, " We need to sweep the area and get to the top for a better view of what's happening everywhere".

He gave Harold a pistol and all three searched the floors to their surprise, there were dead zombies in the market floor.

Max asked, "Did they kill each other?", and my dad replied, " No, there are slash wounds, made by a very sharp object like a knife and if my guess is correct, there is someone else here and I could say she did a great a job".

Max said, "How do you know that it is a she? It could be a he cause killing these things with a knife is very tough".

They heard footsteps and kept their guns ready. A women jumped out covered in blood with two meat cleavers in her hands.

She said, " Oh, Hi sir, where the hell were you? I was staying on the market just as you said in order to greet customers and as I was waiting for sometime, people like these beasts came. I ran a straight to the door but it was locked. You had the keys. Taking the cleavers on that table, I started attacking every single one of them and waited for more. I lived here with nothing but water cause every single portion of food is locked and it won't get unlocked unless my boss, this b*tch, told the security to unlock them".

Max asked, "It really is a she but how did you know it was a she? " and my dad replied, "There were footprints of heels in this blood. Among the dead zombies, there are over seven males on the floor and only one female but she's wearing sneakers, so where did heels footprint come from? I concluded that there must be another woman in this place. You know Max, you should try and bring out Sherlock in you. Oh, I forgot to ask. What is your name? ", and the woman said, "My name is Vanessa, Vanessa Frank. I work in the market section and if you wanna go upstairs the keys with my boss".

They did as she said and also killed a few zombies on the way but they didn't stop at security and went straight to the top floor and found a helicopter.

Max said, " You have a helicopter! We can use it to get out of here", and Harold replied, "You can't. There is no gas in it. I may look like I'm a rich guy but I am broke".

My dad replied, " Fine, we have to make the most of it. Since this is our new home and survival base. For the essential items like food, clothes, and gadgets, here. For arms and ammunition, there".

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