Chapter 6

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“Hey man what’s up?” Colt asks Lance. Lance looks me over once more before turning back to Colt and stuffing his hands in his pockets. 

“Just here with Amber and I see you’re on a date?” Lance asks. 

Colt nods. “Yeah, yeah Infinity this is-”

I cut him off with a smile. “Lance.”

Colt raises eyebrows. “You two know each other?” 

“Ex‘s,” we answer monotone. Colt’s face goes from friendly to shock in a matter of seconds. 

“Well don’t let me ruin the night, I’m heading out with Amber anyway. So mate I will catch you later.” Lance and Colt do the man shake/hug thing then Lance is out the door with Amber. I sigh and throw my head back on the booth. 

I could literally touch the tension in the air. Way to make it awkward Lance. 

That was a night killer,” Colt finally says. I nod my head in agreement. “well on the plus side I have a hotter date than he does,” my eyes pop open and I look at him, he’s eating his ice cream. Finally he feels my eyes on him. “what?” he questions.

I chuckle. “Thanks, Colt.” he just responds with a wink. 

After all this date was a success. 


I smile warily at Kathy as I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

“Thought you left for work?” I question grabbing a water from the fridge. 

Kathy raises challenging eyebrows at me. “Thought I told you to stay in bed.” I just smile cheekily at her. 

Three weeks into my pregnancy was hitting me hard feeling nausea, my breasts beginning to tender, fatigue, and just feeling uncomfortable in my own body. I felt so… weird. As I read online this was very common in women who are progressing into their third week. Then, I just felt better. I know this pregnancy was going to come with perks and cons but I’m just going to have to deal with. I read a week by week article online and found that next week will be the week I will be missing my period. For the first time in years I will be missing my monthly period. This week of the pregnancy is when you usually find out your pregnant and you should be getting accurate home test results. Next week in my pregnancy is when the baby will actually be growing inside of me like the nerves system, including the brain, liver, pancreas, and thyroid. Also in four weeks my baby’s umbilical cord will start forming it will be used as oxygen and food pantry. At week four my baby will start to form to look like a monster.

I didn’t have to take a pregnancy test this week to know if I’m pregnant because I know, how? The doctors. I was going for my daily check up when my doctor finally asked me if I was sexually active, I of course answered yes. When my doctor asked if I wanted to do a pregnancy test I laughed at her but she told me it was ‘common’ for us to laugh so I finally rolled my eyes and agreed to the stupid test. Hour later I got the news I was indeed pregnant. Literally after an hour of balling my eyes I begged my doctor not tell Kathy and my dad and let me do it when the time is right. As she was a young mom she immediately agreed but I had to go see her at 5 weeks for an ultrasound and she told me I had to tell my parents by 7 weeks or she was telling them herself. Yeah, we have a love/hate relationship. 

“But I am heading to work now,” Kathy says and snaps me out of thought. “I made tea for you and went out to buy some soup. If you are on your period you know where the heating pad is and the pills for cramps. Your dad will be home around 6 or 7 tonight and I’ll be home around 8. Call me if you need anything okay?” I nod and smile at her. “feel better, love you.” 

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