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Eventually, all the mortal women had gone home as they proceeded to their slumber.. The only ones who remained were Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok.

Namjoon slept on the side bench, and Hoseok continued his sleep..

But deep inside, Namjoon could barely clear his mind the entire night.. Riddles and questions came crashing, destroying his peace. He kept his aura as casual as possible while being in the same room as Jung Hoseok. But his mind fumed with an amount of confusion at the fact that one important mortal miraculously survived the tragedy on Mullae-dong. . .





And the Facility's bell sounded at 5 p.m. The typical time at which employees leave their jobs. But even after everyone has left Mullae-dong, one couple always stays cuddled, passing the time until the last minute of dusk.

However, on this specific day, the official name of the company has been disclosed, along with the dynamics of the group.

"Holy shit," Namjoon proudly gasps, rested on a recliner in his office room "Nobody is getting on our level sweetheart"

"I fucking know," she nibbles on a piece of chewing gum as she settles on top of him; Wearing nothing but an oversized tee, shorts, and a pair of socks. "What would the world do without us.. I wonder.."

"It would melt into ash as you said... We are it's mother nature~" He gently grips her chin and pulls her closer. Yet she was teasing him just the same by grinding herself on his groin
"Ahhh fuck~" "I always love what you fucking do to me every damn time.."

"Do I make you weak Morpheus?"

"Oh~ More than weak, there isn't even a word to describe it..."

He slides his hands up her back, then softly slid down with his fingers leaving little scratches
"I'm glad we're okay now.." Sani leans her forehead on his

"Me too.. No more fights okay?"

"Only if you promise not to do it again.."
To answer her request, he drew her closer and magnets his lips on her.. Then with his mind, he muttered 'I promise', which elicited a curve on her mouth. And from there, kissing led to a whole night of pleasure.

Weeks before that day, they had dealt with endless arguments in and out of the facility about obsessive paranoia.. Sani constantly begged Namjoon to stop scrutinizing her thoughts as he used it to control her actions; lessen the time she spent with the other guys...

Jae-ho Lim and Jung Hoseok.

He couldn't trust any of them around her as he knew, anytime, Sani could fall for one and end up leaving him...
Namjoon hated that emotion.. Knowing that he is up against Hoseok, who was once his closest friend in Olympus. And Jae-ho Lim, who slowly took his closest friend far from him...

Sure, with Kim Seokjin, she'd be fine. Seokjin was a man with no unrequited love and a handful of ambition. He was focused more on becoming the richest man alive, rather than acquiring a love for himself.

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝟐 [21+]Where stories live. Discover now