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Yoongi's POV~

*knock Knock*
"Trick or treat..."

"No thanks!!"

The hell..
"Trick or treat~"

"Arthes, Tell them we don't have candy!" I hear Niky screaming horribly as I stood at the front door. I kept knocking until someone would open. Until-

"Hey uncle Yoongi!" I caught sight of a small sun-headed boy peeking out the window.
As he opened the door, he purposely stumbles and clings to my left leg. It was always the way he approached whenever I pay him visits.

"Shoo..." I tried shrugging him off, but he was already tightly gripped "out of my way, little one.."

Yet he didn't move.. Instead, I was forced to walk inside with Arthes clinging to my leg as he teasingly laughs.

"Oh for heaven's sake, let me walk!" I ask

"Is that candy?..."

"What? Where?"

He reaches out his hand, pointing at the plastic bag that was clipped on my fingers.

"This isn't candy" I sarcastically smirk "It's a dead rat.. smell it-"

"NO!" He hurried over to the couch and sat in a fetal position. This kid is incredibly annoying, but I enjoy scaring him. Whatever it takes to get this koala off my leg.

"Shameful Arthes.. You're not appreciating my gift. I brought this for you." I tease, heading over to the couch as well. He kept his face covered, yet his eyes were peaking at the bag.


Oh, little Arthes...

Arthes catch!!"

He shouted as I quickly tossed the bag in his direction. But as soon as it hits his side, all of the candy falls out and scatters on the floor.

"YES!" he quickly jumped and picked each one up.

"Pfft~" I roll my eyes "Coward... Where's your mom- No, actually, where is everybody? Why are you alone here?"

"Mommy and Aunt Niky are fighting upstairs." He says, stuffing his mouth with m&ms.

"No wonder she yelled.."

"Ooo Bubble gum!"

"Arthes don't eat that." Suddenly, I hear Niky sauntering down the stairs; her face undeniably pissed.
"Yoongi.. You're ruining his appetite."

"Well hello to you too, Niky" I sigh "Murdered anybody yet?"

"Oh, I'm about to.. If Tina doesn't stop pissing me off" She sarcastically grins "I swear, this is the 90th time we argued over these baby duties."

"Mhm- that's interesting." And yet again, a rant series. Seriously, it seems like every time I come here, I coincidentally show up in the middle of a sister fight. "Go ahead, girl..."

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝟐 [21+]Where stories live. Discover now