Forbidden Enchantment: Chapter 25

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I think I'm a day late with this upload... sorry! xD I've been really busy. 

“Does he make it feel like needles are going through you? Like your mind is being prodded by so much, and there is nothing left, but pain in the most excruciating way?” he whispered, his voice stiff and hard, void of emotion. The voice of a demon. The voice of an angel.

My ears shot up even further at this. “How do you know?”

Chapter 25

“He told me”, he whispered softly, yet at the same time, his voice sounded hard, like concrete.

“But I thought you said he couldn’t talk to you in Link because you were...” I struggled to get the right word. “Offline?”

The corners of his lips twitched slightly. “Text, Heather. Not everything has to be magical” His answer made me feel incredible dumb. I was getting much too caught up in this world.

“What else did he say?” I whispered, even knowing that I wouldn’t like the answer. It was an automatic question, something I asked, purely out of habit.

Aaron brought his other arm around so that we were now embraced in a tender hug. His chin lay atop of my head, his breath causing some hairs to dance. “He said”, he began, sounding strained already. “That he’s making an army; an army that shall come destroy us.”

I jerked back, but his hold was too tight.  “Army?” I whispered. “But... why?” Wasn’t that the question we all strived to find meaning for? Why did Hitler think that the Arian race should have had blonde hair, while he himself, had brown? Why did the Titanic sink when all had deemed in unsinkable? Why was the sky blue, but then red in the evenings? Why did a four leafed clover mean good luck? Why was Aiden making an army? To kill me? No; it had to be much more complex than that. I was only human – I mean half, there was no reason to make an army for the solitary reason of exterminating my existence. It had to be something else, something we were missing.

“That’s the thing Heather, we’re not sure, since he won’t tell us. But Aisling and Jessica, when they went to the Elders, they got a feeling from them that it had something to do with the Scriptura, our ancient scriptures and scrolls.”

This time, when I tried to pull away again, he allowed me to, but whilst averting his gaze. “I’m confused”, I told him. “What are the... Scriptura? What would they have to do with me, with anything...?”

Clenching his teeth, he cracked a knuckle before explaining. The tension surrounding us seemed to suddenly become tangible. “The Scriptura are the ancient scrolls that contain magical symbols and runes which allow us to absorb enough energy as to change our state, without the aid of the Elders. It also contains the secrets of our worlds, to the ancient make up of Link, of the power to control and harness its energy for one’s own means. They’re secrets, Heather, secrets that are meant to be kept from everyone, even the good people, because of their power. They were made by an ancient warlock, who, having turned to the Darkness, wanted to use Link and its energy for himself. Once you go over to that side, and associate yourself with demons, you may as well put a brick wall around you for the rest of your life. Every creature knows you have turned; it’s just the aura that surrounds them that compels us to know that this person has ignored the righteous way. A bit like a gut feeling, you could say, but it’s a lot stronger and something you just know is the truth.

“Anyway, back to what I was saying, only the Elders can actually use the energy of Link for themselves, but even this takes so much time and power, that only the top ranking angels are actually capable of doing it. No one can actually destroy Link, which, just like no one can destroy earth, but like earth, it may also be damaged. This is done by an increase in demonic or angelic energy. You’d think that it would only be demonic, but there is a balance that’s required, a balance of powers is always required, or else everything would be destroyed – by itself.

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