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When I heard my name over the speaker again, I headed down the hall to the gate. The guy waved happily when he saw me, and I noticed he'd been counting a nice bit of money in his hands. The winnings that I'd brought him, no doubt. He stuff them in his pocket, then offered his hand to me when I joined him by the gate.

I shook it. "Looks like it's been a good night for ya."

"Thanks to you!" he grinned. "Watching you fight actually gave me goosebumps, you know? Hope your next match is even better than the last one, Firebrand! Ready to kick ass?"

"As always!" I smirked.

He hit the switch, and the gate slid open again. "I gotta say, it's not even about the money anymore. I just want you to win it all! Go on out there and really show 'em what you got!"

I gave him a thumbs up. "Will do! Enjoy the show!"

Then I headed into the tunnel and down to the far end like before. Kotch and Scotch weren't in the middle of the ring this time, but off to the side. Maybe the hell house would enter from a different place than the other opponents I'd faced? I thought that could be it as I stood near the second gate while they announced me again.

Scotch went first. "The Trio's Tournament has been a spectacle like no other. And while the main competition is over, we're very pleased to announce that our new champion has gladly agreed to fight in a bonus exhibition match to destroy Don Corneo's secret weapon, the infamous and undefeated terror of the coliseum!"

Kotch pointed at me. "Please welcome tonight's leading light, who's crushed all comers and demolished every opponent! Give it up for the Queen of Quashing! The legendary..."

"Firebraaaand!" he and Scotch finished together.

Cheers erupted all around me as I strode into the arena and waved at the crowd before giving them another high fist bump from afar. As I did, I heard people calling out to me from all over the stands, shouts of admiration and excitement from many of the fans I'd earned tonight. It was great, and for a minute, I just stood there and basked in it, blowing the audience a few kisses while I was at it.

"Firebrand, Firebrand!" one girl waved. "Look over here! Oh, she's just incredible! She saved my sister, too!"

Someone a few rows up clapped loudly. "She's really got it!"

Then I heard a guy in the stands on the other side shout out to me. "Firebrand! I love you! Marry me!"

There was a lot of that sort of thing, and hearing it all brought back pleasant memories of my acting days on the plate. I thought I heard my friends cheering me on, too, and when I looked at where I knew they'd been sitting, they were there, all in a row up front just above the top of the arena's lower wall. I waved at them, and they waved back—Wedge, Lena, Biggs, Kunsel, and Marissa. As Wedge flashed me a thumbs up of his own and the crowd kept cheering for a good five minutes, I moved into position and smiled contentedly.

"Ah, it's good to be back in the spotlight again," I laughed softly to myself, my eyes lingering happily on the crowd.

Then, Kotch lifted his free hand, and everyone quieted down. "Her opponent! Buried in the bowels of the coliseum, an unspeakable terror, long imprisoned, set free tonight to finally receive its just punishment! Killer of champions and crusher of heroes!"

Scotch joined in. "The secret horror of Don Corneo's stable!"

"The Super Hell House!" they said together.

The wide area in the middle of the arena lowered, and when it rose back up a moment later and locked into place, the hell house was on it. I narrowed my eyes at the sight of the thing, my blood boiling, and my hands went to my weapons almost before I knew it. The house was still in its disguised form, sitting motionless in the middle of the arena like the large square shed I'd designed it to mimic. But it also sported a pair of tall iron spikes, one on either end of the roof—new additions that I'd never had in the house's original design.

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 2: AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now