Xiangling | Better Taste

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Reading the list. Quick scribbling. Stamp. The same three steps are repeated over and over again.

You have been doing this task for the past few hours now and naturally, it's gradually starting to get exhausting and boring. Any sort of job where you're working like a machine, following one task, isn't meant for you.

But you know better than to disobey Ningguang's orders. Imagining the things she would make you do if you didn't finish this job she assigned gives you that extra boost of motivation to finish up the last pile of papers.

As you're working diligently, you fail to notice the grinning female behind you. Her hands make their way to your sides as she greets you with tickles.

"Surprise!" she exclaims, jumping in front of you with Guoba on her head—his hands outstretched.

"Xiangling! I haven't seen you in so long!" You jump up and pull her in for a warm hug. "It's nice to see you too, Guoba," you add to the little friend, pulling him down into the group hug.

"But... was it really necessary to scare me like that? Don't say Hu Tao is rubbing off on you..." you playfully scold, feigning a frown. She waves her hands back and forth defensively, shaking her head.

"When are you off of work?" she eagerly asks. "I wanna show you something!"

You look over at the pile of papers that's left. Although this is your last pile, there's still way too much papers. Your guess is that it'll take you another four or five hours until you finish everything.

Heaving a sigh, you say, "Um... not anytime soon. What did you want to show me, though?"

Xiangling looks at the pile, finally noticing it, and covers her mouth as her eyes widen. "The Tianquan really has no mercy, huh... wish I could help you out, but..."

"Don't worry about it, Xiangling. There's a lot of concepts in these papers you wouldn't understand, and plus, this isn't your job to do."

"Still... I wish I could help in some way..."

Guoba holds onto her leg and looks up. You raise a brow, watching the two communicate solely through their facial expressions. Your indigo-haired friend suddenly shouts "ohh" as she picks up Guoba, rushing out the door.

As if remembering about your existence, she stops and turns to you with a warm smile and a wave. "I'll come back later, (Y/N). Good luck, you can do it!"

"And... off she goes." You smile to yourself and go back to work in more higher spirits. After being blessed with your friends' visit, you're feeling more energetic. It must be her lively personality that's rubbing off on you, along with Guoba's cuteness.

"Hurry, hurry. C'mon, (Y/N)!" Xiangling says eagerly as she's pulling onto your arm, practically dragging you with her.

Guoba is resting on your head comfortably, offering sounds of excitement and bouncing every once in a while. Because of all the forceful pulling, you're tripping over your feet often.

Just as you're about to ask her what's the rush, she pushes you down into the chair and leaves somewhere without a word. You observe your surroundings and realize that you're at a vast, grassy area with some nearby plants and trees. The chair and table set are definitely the ones from Wanmin Restaurant; you would recognize the wooden set anywhere.

"Guoba, be careful with that! Don't bounce around, please!" Xiangling calls from behind her. She squints her gaze at the little guy, as to which he replies back with a small, less energetic bounce.

She sets the plates of a variety of Liyue cuisine down in front of you and beams. "Ta dah! Eat up, (Y/N)! We made plenty just for you."

"Thank you so much, guys! What's the occasion? Did you come up with a new recipe or something?" you ask, picking up some bamboo shoots.

She tilts her head. "Huh? No, silly! This grand feast is in celebration of the work you got done for the Tianquan. We're proud of you!"

Guoba nods and jumps onto you, nestling comfortably in your lap. You gently pet his head and offer him a golden shrimp ball. He eats it without hesitation, making a happy sound.

From the side, Xiangling is visibly pouting as she rushes over to you and crouches down. "Hey, no fair! I wanna get fed by you too!"

"One golden shrimp ball for you, Xiangling. Open wide!"

She happily eats it, her closed-eyed smile evidently showing her enjoyment. "Mmm... the food tastes a lot yummier since you're feeding me."

"Food can taste better just by having someone feed you?"

"Of course! More specifically, if it's the person you lo—appreciate a lot...!"

"Oh, wow. I never knew. Then... do you mind feeding me?"

"I don't mind at all." She laughs and picks a piece of food up, hovering it in front of your mouth. "Open wide!"


Friendly reminder: I love receiving and reading comments, and I'm okay with you commenting a lot as long as you aren't breaking any of the rules I listed under the first chapter. Don't like the character? Move onto another one-shot. Don't like my writing in general? Move onto another book. Don't like the way I write the character? Move onto another one-shot/book. I write the characters based on how the characters are portrayed, so if you want Xiao to bully you, then my book definitely isn't for you.

Any disrespectful, spam, unnecessary (includes complaining about how (Y/N) isn't like you; going overboard with the sexual comments; unnecessarily hating on a character, etc.) comments aren't tolerated here. Otherwise, I'll have Xiangling and Guoba cook you up!

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