Diluc | The Look Of Love

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Getting stuck at Dragonspine isn't exactly the ideal way you want to spend your day off. Being sedentary at home is more like it, and especially since the past few weeks have been filled with mountain climbing, such a way to spend the day is much needed.

It's unfortunate the day isn't going out the way you want it to be.

"(Y/N), how are you holding up?"

Your moping stops as you turn toward the familiar voice. To see the red-haired male is the most comforting thing right about now. Diluc just came back from going on a quick search for some ingredients to make tonight's dinner. With him here, this whole situation is going to be much more bearable.

At least you're certain you won't lose your life here.

"Diluc!" you exclaim, jumping up from your huddled position and running over to him. His neutral expression remains unwavering as he takes note of your evident excitement—your sparkling eyes and lovely smile.

"Good," he simply says before regarding you with a head pat. Seeing you still acting all giddy when he comes back is the only response he needs to make sure you're okay.

Ever since you two were younger, you always acted this way whenever he came back from finishing commissions or from traveling. It didn't matter how long it took; he could leave for only a mere minute, and you would still be full of joy.

While his face says otherwise, your continuous response makes him immensely happy. Truth be told, he has always found your reactions to be adorable.

"Are you making what I think you're making?!" You sort through the ingredients your friend managed to find throughout his short journey in the snowstorm.

Diluc nods, already preparing the base of the soup. "Yeah, your favorite. I expect you to eat the whole pot. Consider it your way of thanking me since I took the time to go into the dangerous snowstorm." A small smile is present on his face.

"You got it, sir. Leave it to me!"

"I can eat your soup every day without ever getting tired of it." You set the bowl down and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. "Thank you for the meal."


Diluc is still savoring his bowl of steaming soup, his red eyes lowered down to the liquid, not noticing your soft gaze on his disheveled state. He has always done a lot for you, going through difficult situations just to make sure that your happiness and safety remains. Without your red-haired friend, you're certain you wouldn't be present right now.

"Is something wrong?" he asks, his curious gaze shifting to you. You chuckle and shake your head quickly, rising to your feet.

"I'll head to bed first. See you tomorrow morning, Diluc." You give him a warm smile before turning away.

"Rest well, (Y/N)."

After hearing your footsteps fade to the back of the cave, he sets the wooden spoon down into the bowl gently as a small smile graces his face. The sole image clouding his mind is the way you stared at him in such an adoring way—as if you were in love.

"Now why would you fall for someone like me...?" he murmurs to himself, gazing at the gently flickering flames.

The only response he receives is the crackling of the fire.


Smiling Diluc gives me so much serotonin. I just want to hug him forever.

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