Cyno | How To Deal With A Drunk 101

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The sun has set long ago, giving way for the night sky with the few tiny stars twinkling up above, greeting anyone who's still awake at this time. Cyno's currently standing in front of you, eyes narrowed and arms crossed as he waits for you to answer his question.

What... what exactly did he ask again? For some reason, you can't recall with such hazy thoughts at the moment. He must've noticed the confused expression on your face, because he repeats the question one more time.

"How much did you drink, (Y/N)? Be honest."

You "oh" and laugh, leaning your head against the couch as you hum in thought. "Like, not much. Only one beer bottle and one drink in that like... uhh... funneled-shaped glass..."

"A martini glass?" he clarifies.

"Oh yeahhh, is that what they're called? Funnel sounds better." You laugh again and shut your eyes.

Cyno presses his lips together. "Three..."

Your eyes flutter open as you furrow your brows, staring at the inscrutable expression on his face. Why is he counting? Should you count up or down? So many questions... your mind is starting to get jumbled.

"Four...?" you murmur.

"Two..." he continues, his gaze and voice unwavering. "Once I reach one, I expect to hear the truth from you. How much did you drink?"

Oh, it seems he has caught onto your lies.

As much as you didn't want to lie to him, you're aware you messed up tonight with the mindless drinking. Before leaving your shared home, he reminded you to count your drinks, which... you clearly did not do.

And now you're going to receive a scolding of a lifetime. Well, if you can deal with his joke explanations, then surely you can manage through an understandable scolding.

"One," he says with a sigh. "I will now administer a fair—"

You interrupt him without much thought, "Punishment, right. I know. Go ahead and... punish me."

Seeing the wave of your hand, as if you're nonchalant about your choice of words, causes the white-haired male to widen his eyes a bit before he remains serious again. He shakes his head.

"That's not..." He clears his throat. "That's not the term I would use as it sounds much more aggressive. I was going to say judgment."

Needless to say, your boyfriend looks rather disappointed in you.

"Before anything else though," Cyno fills in the silence, heading to the kitchen to retrieve something and returning quickly, "drink some water to stay hydrated. It'll help reduce tomorrow morning's effects."

You take the cup and gulp it down in a messy manner, causing water to drip down your chin. Unbothered, you admit to the actual amount of tonight's alcoholic drinks, which was much more than you intended.

He takes the cup and puts it on the table. "Well, thank you for telling the truth; however, don't be fooled to believe you won't hear a lecture from me tomorrow about mindless drinking."

Pouting, you allow him to wipe your lips with the back of his hand. His gentle touch is comforting, making your heart flutter, as you feel yourself getting more warm and tingly.

"You should rest now. It's important to rejuvenate the body after such a night," he explains as he helps you up.

You stumble. It's obvious you're struggling to stand and walk; even a few small and careful steps are proving to be difficult for you to manage despite Cyno's assistance.

"Don't worry."

He leans down a bit to lift you in his arms, holding you against his chest in a secure and gentle manner, before standing up and carrying you to the bedroom. This is one of the only times you wish the distance between the living room and bedroom is drastic, so much so that it'll take a few minutes to get from point A to point B.

Being carried like this by your boyfriend, at this very moment, is worth the inevitable scolding that you'll get in the morning. Might as well enjoy it while you can.

In fact... perhaps you should consider getting drunk more often.


Cyno trying to get truthful answers by counting down is very attractive.

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