Kaveh | Evening Comfort Required

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Gentle shaking to your shoulder jolts you awake from your pleasant dream of meeting your favorite DCKZ member. Such a shame, because he was in the middle of holding your face and confessing his love.

You groan and roll around, rubbing the weariness away from your face. A familiar blonde hair and a pair of desperate, red eyes are the first aspects of the person that you notice right away, and startled, you frantically sit up and whack the intruder with a pillow.

"(Y/N)?! Hold on, wait! It's me, Ka—"

"Kaveh?! What are you doing in my room?! You scared me!" You take some deep breaths to calm yourself down before continuing. "Don't just kneel down beside my bed like that in the middle of the night, you creep!"

Your roommate rubs the back of his neck, giving you an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I did knock a couple of times earlier, but... you weren't answering, so I went in."

This guy... you're about to make a remark back, but then you remember the desperate look you saw when you woke up. Even now, he looks anxious, as if he just woke up from a memorable nightmare—one that's so awful he needs to barge into your room at this late hour.

You push yourself upright and turn on the bedside lamp with a click. "What's wrong? Can't sleep?" you ask, scooting over to make room for him to sit. You also move your pillow to the other side.

His face lights up as he quickly gets off the floor and crawls into your bed, holding his own pillow to his chest. It takes a moment of silence before he's able to explain the sudden situation.

"Listen, you have to promise you won't make fun of me. Don't let anyone else know about this either." He turns to look at you in embarrassment, blushing a bit.

"I promise," you assure, raising a pinky finger to him. This is something you both always do to show trust and a sealing of an important secret.

Kaveh hooks his pinky with yours tightly and then focuses his attention on the blanket as his fingers tug at it. "Well..." he begins, "...I was out with Cyno, Alhaitham, and Tighnari earlier. Cyno suggested this new movie called Flowers In Bloom that involves aesthetics since he knows how much I love that sort of element. But... he didn't mention it was a horror movie..."

Ah, that new movie is the recent topic everyone has been conversing about. Although the movie's cover and summary appears to be lively and full of positivity and cuteness, its content is much more violent. While the movie is clearly marked under the horror category, numerous people either gloss over it, or they find a hard time believing it and so end up watching it to see what it's all about.

Apparently it's so heavy and gory that many people struggle to sleep for weeks.

And it seems your poor friend is now a victim of this Flowers In Bloom incident. Knowing him, he just didn't have the heart to tell Cyno he didn't want to watch the movie anymore. Your thoughts are proven correct once Kaveh explains just that; he didn't want to leave, especially after seeing Cyno's excitement and generosity.

"He saw how much I was flinching in my seat, so he asked if I wanted to leave because he wouldn't mind hanging around the arcade with me while we waited for Alhaitham and Tighnari," Kaveh murmurs, letting out a soft laugh.

"And... you couldn't say no, so you suffered through the movie," you finish the story for him with a sigh.

"Yeah. Cyno really wanted me to check it out because of the aesthetics. Plus, he paid for the tickets, so I couldn't waste his money like that."

You offer an encouraging smile and scoot a bit closer to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Did the movie at least succeed in aesthetics?"

Your roommate hums and leans his head back against the headboard. "Definitely. The architecture, clothing, and everything was spot on."

"That's something positive out of the experience, at least."

He breathes in deeply and sighs, managing a small smile as he faces you. "I guess you're right... thank you for comforting me."

After some time of comfortable silence, you shift away from him and lay down, patting at the bed as a way to tell him to also lay down with you. Kaveh's eyes widen as he laughs awkwardly, shaking his head.

He clears his throat. "I appreciate it, but I'll be okay now that we've talked."

So he says, but the way his gaze keeps flickering between the closed bedroom door and to the space in front of him shows his nervousness.

You roll your eyes and pull the male down close beside you, not giving him a chance to stammer out refusals as you cover him snugly with the blanket. Lifting his head up, you take the pillow from his hands and put it underneath.

Then, while still facing him, you gently say, "You can hold my hands if you want for extra comfort. Or hug me, I don't mind." You close your eyes. "We can sleep with the light on too; will that help?"

"Ah... um... y-yes.." he mumbles shyly.

Silence lingers in your bedroom. Only the sounds of yours and Kaveh's quiet breathing can be heard. You're quiet surprised how his presence is helping you ease into dreamland much more quickly than when you're sleeping alone.

It's... serene and heartwarming.

Before you drift off to slumber, you hear him shuffle around as the space around you feels warmer. A finger carefully touches your own, so gentle as if you're a delicate plate, before your hand gets enveloped by his tight grip.

"This is much better..." Kaveh whispers.


Sweet dreams, Kaveh.

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