Lyney | A Magical Distraction

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By the time your shift has ended, the once light raindrops are now a heavy downpour, painting the streets of Fontaine a dreary color. You rush over to a nearby café, its warm glow offering you some comfort. The aroma of sweet pastries linger in the air.

Not to your surprise, the hands over the head method serves minimal help in avoiding the rain of this intensity, so you're practically drenched from head to toe. You gather a handful of your shirt and twist it tightly, squeezing out some water. The same is repeated for your pants. You're so focused on your task that you don't notice the nearby figure leaning against the building with his arms crossed.

That is, until a loud clearing of the throat can be heard.

Your movements stop as you lift your head slightly to face in the direction of the sound, meeting a pair of violet eyes. You can recognize that bright gaze anywhere...!

Your face lights up. "Lyney?!" you exclaim, immediately beaming upon seeing him.

"Oh? Based on your reaction, it appears you personally know me, but I'm sure I would remember such a lovely face as yours if we were friends." He smiles warmly, approaching closer. "Might I ask for your name?"

You wish the two of you are friends, but in reality, you're just a mere fan of the popular magician. Every show he hosts, you're always there, trying to reserve a front row seat every time if you have the funds to do so. The way he moves around on stage with Lynette is mesmerizing, and you can't take your sparkling eyes off of him.

Like even now, you're finding it difficult to look away from the ash blonde-haired male. Simply being able to interact this closely with him is a memorable moment in itself.

Lyney reaches toward your face, making you flustered, but he quickly moves behind your ear. In a snap of his fingers, he slowly pulls out a beautiful rose, giving you a playful wink as he presents you the flower, twirling its stem around his gloved fingers.

"For you," he offers as his other hand moves out into the pouring rain to grab another rose. He shakes the raindrops off gently before also giving it to you.

Amused and amazed, you carefully take the roses from his fingers and thank him. The roses have a gentle, fresh scent to them, reminding you of fond memories.

The magician tilts his head slightly, letting out a soft laugh. His eyes crinkle. "You seemed a bit distracted earlier, so I decided to put on a small performance—one exclusively for you. I hope you didn't mind the simple magic."

"Oh, not at all," you quickly assure him with a wave of your hand. "Your acts are always impressive, even if they're simple."

"Really? Thanks, that means a lot! Capturing the audience's genuine amazement is what my sister and I aim for."

Having this small conversation with Lyney suddenly makes you remember his question from before. Though you don't expect him to remember you after this rainy day, you still have a spark of hope that, maybe, just maybe, you can be someone new in his life.

Wishful thinking, isn't it?

"My name is (Y/N), by the way," you introduce, raising your hand out to him in greeting. Compared to your easygoing demeanor, your mind is in panic mode seeing as how he's just staring at you with a small smile, a seemingly knowing one.

It's not like you're a member of some sort of mafia group, nor are you dealing with illegal matters, but the way he's communicating in silence is making you feel exposed—as if you're a criminal caught in an act. Why is he looking at you like that?

With a quick movement of his hand, he takes off his top hat and does a graceful bow in response. "(Y/N), (Y/N)..." he repeats under his breath, standing up again as he tilts the hat toward you, allowing for colorful confetti and twinkling stars to erupt from the darkness and float around you.

"I'll make sure to watch for your lovely face in the front row next week, assuming you'll be there as always, hm?"


Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.

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