Razor | Lovesick

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A sweet, floral scent fills his nose. The gray-haired male blinks a few times, his red gaze focusing to stare at the person before him. Where is he, and what is he doing here? More importantly, why is this person's face so close to his?

The gentle rustling of the leaves from above breaks his muddled thoughts as he shifts his attention to the side where the blue waves are slowly crawling up the sandy shore. He sniffs in the fresh, calm waters, the earthy scent of the grassy ground below him, and... the same floral sweetness from before.

"What on Teyvat are you thinking about now?" you ask, resting your chin on your arm.

Oh, that's right. He suddenly remembers where he's at and why he's here.

For the past few weeks, there has been some concerns clouding his mind and heart, and he isn't sure what they are nor what they mean. Usually, the problems he encounters are things that involve his lupical, whether it be dealing with an enemy who stepped foot into the territory, or helping a person who got lost in Wolvendom.

The current problems he have must be very serious and rare, considering even Andrius doesn't know how to cure them. And so Razor asked to meet up with one of the smartest people he knows to see if they possibly know what he's experiencing.

Surely the source of his problems would know what's going on.

"(Y/N), I'm very sick," he starts to explain, his blank expression remains unwavering.

You push yourself off the grass and furrow your brows. "Sick? How long have you been feeling this way?" you ask, reaching out to feel his temperature. You move away from his forehead after confirming it feels normal. "Stomachache?"

His eyes widen as he puts a hand against his chest, where his heart lies, and he shakes his head. Confusion is evidently written across his face.

"Heart pounding. Too fast. Scared..." he murmurs.

"Any other reactions?" you ask gently.

"Body is warm. Feels weird. And... want to hold."


Razor pauses for a moment, thinking carefully, and nods shortly after. "Hold. I... want to hold. Be close." He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Hard to explain."

You hum and quietly observe Razor's present state. His face is flushed pink, his gaze lowered, and his lips are tugged in a faint frown; he doesn't appear upset—more so confused, if anything. It's clear that trying to share his thoughts and feelings is difficult for him since he doesn't exactly know what his feelings even mean.

While you aren't certain about your conclusion, you believe that he isn't actually sick with an illness. It sounds more like he's experiencing feelings of nervousness, but for what reason? You just need to push a bit more out of him.

"When you say 'hold', are you talking about a person?"

Razor glances at you and nods, lowering his head. "(Y/N). I... want to hold you. Touch. Warm. Fast heart... what's the meaning, (Y/N)?" He shakes his head. "Hard to look. Can't look at you. Why?"

You smile warmly at the flustered and confused male. "Don't be afraid. What you're likely experiencing is something called a 'crush'. It's when you like like someone, and for some people like yourself, they get nervous when they're around their crush."

He looks up, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Crush..." he says under his breath several times as to test the new word out.

You chuckle. "I'm quite surprised by this. I never would have thought that you like me."

Razor tilts his head. "Bad? Is that... bad?" he asks, worry laced in his voice.

"Oh, no. Not at all. I'm happy and a bit embarrassed, to be truthful. I... like you too, Razor."

With a softened gaze, you give the male a smile to reassure your mutual feelings for him. His eyes widen, his lips parted slightly, as his focus is solely on you. The warmth you're making him feel is overwhelming. He feels happiness washing over him. Is it possible to like someone this much?

"I like you a lot, (Y/N). I'm happy."


Razor is so freaking cute!! Anyone who mains him has my heart.

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