Kazuha | Whispers Of The Wind

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"I swear I heard him playing the flute somewhere around here..." you murmur, looking over the large, prickly bush. Completely barren except for some tiny patches of flowers decorating the lush grass.

Seeing as you've been mistaken, you're about to get out of your hiding place, but a soft "boo!" in your ear greatly startles you. You turn around and raise your hand, ready to smack the mysterious person.

"Now, now. Resorting to violence isn't the answer," he says. You can tell by his voice that he's smirking.

Struggling to pull away from his grasp, you're met with his usual gentle expression. You pout. "How did you know I was here?! What are you, some kind of secret spy with crazy good hearing?"

Kazuha chuckles and lets go of your wrist. "Have I not told you the reason yet?" He plops down onto the grass, basking under the warm glow of the sunlight.

"Shall we indulge in the warmth of the rays? The weather is quite pleasant today; it would be a waste to not."

You oblige and sit beside him, leaving some distance between you two. His red eyes flicker down to the empty space and he pats at it.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. You can trust a samurai's word," he says, placing a bandaged hand against his chest.

Scooting closer, you make yourself as comfortable as possible beside him. He slings an arm around his propped up leg and glances over to you.

"The wind shares all its secrets with me," he begins explaining with closed eyes.

"The wind...? But—"

"Shhh... do you hear that?"

You stay silent and strain your ears to try hearing for any sort of unusual sound—anything aside from the occasional wind, rustling leaves, and chirping birds. But you can't seem to pick up any particular sound like that.

Muddled, you're about to ask Kazuha what exactly he's hearing, but he holds up a hand and quietly shushes you.

He's definitely a secret spy with crazy good hearing!

Kazuha nudges you with his elbow, reminding you of just how close you really are to him. You nudge him back in response, careful to not ruin the peaceful atmosphere.

"The ocean waves running against the large rocks... the passing wind through the meadows... the slithering snake moving across the path..." he whispers. Once again, you strain your ears to hear what he's hearing but to no avail.

Your friend slowly opens his eyes and turns to you with a small smile. "And among those sounds, the sounds of nature from near and far, I can sense you; from your steady walking to the slightest movements of your lips."

"So in other words... yeah, you have crazy good hearing."

He laughs and nods. "You seem to be relaxed. Does my, as you phrase it, 'crazy good hearing' not disturb you? After all, I do always know where you're at no matter how far away you are."

"No way, I think it's really cool! You can detect danger even before it reaches you, and plus, if anything ever happens to me, you can come and save me."

Kazuha hums in thought, and after some time of wordlessly gazing at you, he heaves a sigh and shakes his head with closed eyes. Curious, you get closer and peer at the peaceful expression etched upon his face.

He looks beautiful under the sunlight.

Just as you're about to move away, his eyes flutter open as he grabs onto your wrist, holding you in place. His sudden movement causes you to stumble forward a bit, your face now really close to his. The smirk on his face is faint.

"Hm... what shall I do with you and your curiosity?" he murmurs in a low voice, his eyes sparkling in amusement. "Did you already forget about my hearing abilities, (Y/N)?"


Kazuha would make an interesting yandere character.

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