Various Guys | Holiday Special

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Your eyes shift over to the window, watching the snow cascading slowly to the ground. Such delicacy, evoking a sense of tranquility. It's another festive and winter day at Teyvat College, and instead of going home for the break, you decide to stay back this year to spend a fun evening with some of your dear friends.

(Features six characters!! Some of the Geo, Anemo, and Hydro guys who were chosen randomly.)

☆ "(Y/N), care to join me? I'm illustrating some simple designs for these ornaments based off of our friends."
☆ While you're painting vibrant colors onto the shaped ornaments, he's painting the designs
☆ The one he's working on appears to be of Itto's chibi face with Onikabuto beetles floating around his head
☆ You lean closer to him to observe the cuteness, gushing over the design. He glances at you and smiles faintly, moving onto the next one
☆ "It's simply impossible to capture your beauty; however, I will do my best to paint a design to your liking."
☆ You tell him not to worry and to have fun with it. Whatever Albedo creates is always pleasant
☆ "As long as I get to see that lovely smile on your face again... hmm, I'm quite drawn to it."

☆ Immediately offers to help the cooking and baking team
☆ Also immediately gets shut down
☆ You bring a disheartened Oni over to the Christmas tree, and his face lights up
☆ "Duh, I'm more than happy to help you hang these awesome ornaments! Whaat, they're homemade you say?!"
☆ The both of you happily talk to one another while hanging the ornaments; everything is going well with no accidents (yay!)
☆ "Hey, hey, (Y/N). Doesn't this ornament kinda look like me? I say kinda because nobody and nothing in this world can look as good as me, y'know?"
☆ Uhh... about the lack of accidents... spoke too soon...
☆ "Huh, that's weird. Is it just me, ooor is the tree tilting toward us?"
☆ The tree crashes. The last thing that can be heard is you and Itto screaming for help, along with loud footsteps rushing to you guys

☆ Poor guy just wants some peace for the evening, but Itto pulls him back into the lounge and encourages him to stay
☆ Perhaps he doesn't mind too much since he could've easily teleported back to his room (character development!)
☆ "Oh, you're here too, (Y/N). Sorry, am I in your way? I can move elsewhere."
☆ You tell him to stay sitting at the window ledge and offer him a cup of hot cocoa that's toppled with whipped cream, mini marshmallows, and chocolate shavings
☆ "I appreciate the thought, but I cannot tolerate most mortal foods and drinks. Save it for someone who will enjoy it."
☆ Your apology makes him sigh as he takes the cup carefully and holds it in his hands, taking a small lick of the whipped cream
☆ "There's no need to feel guilty; I understand you mortals can forget things at times. While the taste isn't to my liking, the warmth of the cup is pleasant."
☆ The two of you sit across from each other, a hot cocoa in hand, and quietly look out at the winter wonderland, sharing some words here and there

☆ "You want me to help you with the holiday drinks? Hmm... alright then. Perhaps I can add some poi—"
☆ You feign a frown and smack his arm, and he chuckles in response
☆ "I'm kidding. But from that sudden smile on your face... I assume you knew I was."
☆ As he's working on cutting the fruits in silence, you share your thoughts about making a bitter drink for him
☆ "Make sure you make it edible. Surely your skills are much better than, say... that ridiculous Ayato."
☆ While working on his drink, you feel him watching you, so you glance at him
☆ He frowns and tells you to focus, turning away to continue his task as a small smile graces his face

☆ "Ah, excellent timing, (Y/N). Would you like to join me for this reading session? There is role that needs to be filled, and I believe you are the perfect candidate."
☆ You accept and sit beside him as Teucer, Anthon, and Tonia all look at you with sparkling eyes, scooting closer
☆ As you're flipping through the pages, reading your character's lines, you start to notice how the character's appearance is similar to yours
☆ Wait... even Xingqiu's character looks eerily close to him
☆ Teucer must've noticed too, because he jumps up and exclaims his observations
☆ "(Y/N) makes a wonderful inspiration, wouldn't you agree, kids?"
☆ Then Tonia chimes in, saying how the two characters should become lovers in the next book

☆ Insists to help Thoma, Kazuha, Diluc, and Childe cook the holiday dinner...
☆ An awful idea, really
☆ Before he can use a questionable ingredient into the icing mixture, you drag him away and suggest making some cute decorations instead
☆ Thank goodness! Now all of your stomachs won't explode. He makes several colorful snowflakes out of chocolate and presents them to you
☆ "Are these suitable for the cupcakes? I'd say I did quite a marvelous job."
☆ You give him a nod of approval, and he smiles before pointing to a particular snowflake that has a tiny pink heart sprinkle placed at the center
☆ "I specifically created this one for you, (Y/N). Heh, what's the embarrassed look for? How precious you are."


Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all of you lovelies!! I wish you all immense warmth and coziness. This update is more of a scenario type of format instead of a one-shot, but hopefully it's still enjoyable to read through!

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