Xingqiu | A Note For You

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With one final look around the room, you sling your backpack over your shoulders and step out into the living room, quickly reaching over to the glass bowl to grab a handful of fruit-flavored candies; a simple and easy way of gathering some energy before the busy and exhausting day begins.

You're usually pretty free on Fridays, only having one class to attend, but due to the yearly event that's showing up again, you've been as busy as a bee. As one of the members of the planning committee, the duties range from decorating the large campus to finding suitable performers.

You head to the kitchen, smiling at the familiar sight of your lunchbox resting on the counter. Your roommate never forgets to pack your daily lunch; even with his packed schedule, he makes sure your stomach is satisfied. Though you insisted you can just buy or cook something up quickly on some days, he refused to take your suggestion and continued to cook you homemade meals each day.

You truly do appreciate his existence.

"I'll be home very late tonight... eat without me!" you murmur as the pen moves fast across the bright sticky note. The note ends with your name and a smiley face, and you place it on the empty counter where your lunchbox was at.

One click of the opened door and one foot into the committee room... and immediately, you're bombarded with relieved shouts and desperate, pleading eyes from left to right.

Well, clearly something bad happened.

"Everyone, calm down and take deep breaths. One at a time, please," you call out sternly, your gaze sweeping the room of sundry expressions: some panicked, wide-eyed; others filled with tears; and the rest are either full of concern or blank.

"(Y/N), one of the performers we booked suddenly called this morning to cancel! One of their members got into an accident, so they can't make it tomorrow night," Amber reports as she walks up to you with a folder in her hands. "But that's not all," she adds in, flipping open the contents, "DCKZ can't make it either."

Your brow raises as you peer over her shoulder to take a look. That's certainly problematic since the group has always been present every year, and they're one of the most anticipated performances the majority of the students and staff here at Teyvat College look forward to. Losing them will definitely result in negative feedback, but it's something you and your committee peers will have to deal with.

"According to Zhongli, they're unable to make it this year due to some sort of management issue," Heizou explains from the side, taking out his phone. "I assume you want me to send an update through email and social media?"

You firmly nod as the male quickly gets to typing up an unfortunate announcement to the campus body. Then, you shift your attention to Vice President Ayato who is focused on the laptop screen, his fingers moving across the keyboard in a swift manner. He must've felt your gaze, because he looks up and smiles, giving you a simple nod.

"The orders for the last sets of decorations are scheduled to arrive sometime today, though much later than intended. I believe the first set is at six..." he trails off, clicking a few times before humming, "...yes, six tonight. But the rest won't be delivered until tomorrow morning." He gives you a closed-eyed smile after sharing such awful news, which is rather typical of him.

You lean against the table with crossed arms and sigh, shaking your head. It's unfortunate these issues happened to occur on the same day—the day before the event is set to begin around the afternoon. Aside from losing two notable performers, the rest of the decorations coming last minute is more so annoying than anything else.

You don't get a chance to breathe whatsoever when a group of students approach you to talk about even more problems.

Eventually though, lunch time finally comes around; it's much needed since you're very stressed as is. What better way to reduce it than by eating a nice meal made by your dear Xingqiu.

You take out the usual bento box, but to your surprise, there's a bright sticky note attached to the lid with some delicate writing on it.

To my liege, (Y/N):

I understand you have been busy with preparations lately. Please don't forget to take breaks and eat. I provided extras for today's lunch since you're almost done with the event.

I eagerly wait for your return home, where you can vent and cry as much as needed. Until then, keep it up; you're doing well.

You stuff a jade parcel into your mouth, the flavors seemingly more fragrant and delicious than usual, as you hold the note closely against your chest, feeling immense warmth.


This is inspired by Xingqiu's 2021 birthday letter, which is one of my favorites. I adore the idea of leaving loving notes in packed meals.

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