Alhaitham | Just A Tease

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Usually some gentle strokes to the head and feeling his body's warmth as you're pressed up against him are enough to make you drift off to dreamland. It appears the usual isn't working for today, which is a shame as you're immensely lethargic from all that writing and reading you had to do.

Constant studying and research throughout the past few weeks is finally making its impact on you. Thanks to your senior, you're able to get the whole day off for yourself to relax, but you can't for some reason.

Glancing at your boyfriend, you watch the way his gaze stays focused on the black words of the pages, hardly unblinking, as he quietly flips to the next one. He continues to do this repetitive act all while holding the book in one hand as the other is stroking your head.

"Alhaitham, what are you reading?" you ask, shifting a bit to read some of the words. You catch the words "natural" and "scientific" and figured it's the usual books he's always reading—the ones filled with solely words of knowledge.

He lowers his gaze to you. "Unable to sleep?"

You sigh and nod. "I'm not sure why. Might be because of all the stress build up or something, I don't know."

"Relax... empty your mind."

His plain response isn't a surprise as he often replies as such whenever he's immersed in his reading. Sometimes you won't even get a response, so to even get him talking, even if it's a bit simple, is something.

Regardless, you want to tease him a bit. "Wow! I suddenly feel sooo sleepy and relaxed now, and my mind is empty. How did you do that, Alhaitham?"

Your boyfriend stops flipping the page midway, humming in thought, before leaning to whisper in your ear.

"I know something that will exhaust you in no time. Willing to give it a try?"

The way he's whispering that question in a low voice, his warm breath fanning your ear, is making you flustered and unsure on what to say back. Seeing the sheepish expression present on your face makes him chuckle as he leans back against the wall and continues to run his fingers through your hair.

Except this time, his touches are anything but comforting and serene; they are now making your heart soar.

"Don't get silent on me now," Alhaitham murmurs and reaches over to brush a finger against your nose. "Are you not interested in hearing me read this book to you? Paimon says I have a natural voice made for reading, and I would be honored if my partner feels the same."

"Also, think of this as the perfect opportunity to assist you in falling asleep."

You should've expected him to tease you back. Embarrassment washes over you as you mumble an excuse out, trying to desperately get away from him before he has another chance to tease you even more.

Of course, you get pulled back into his warmth. This time, he has two arms around you in a firm grip, the book placed in front of you as his hands are holding the pages open. He peers around your shoulder and begins to read the complex words out loud.

It's true he has a pleasant reading voice, but you're too busy thinking about how close his beautiful face is to yours to even properly concentrate on any of the flowing words passing his lips.


The only thing in my mind right now is Alhaitham getting beat up, his eyes turning red, his head getting bonked, his groans of pain, and as he's getting dragged away, his faint smirk to Nilou.

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