Kaeya | Natural Evening

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Upon reaching the doorstep, Kaeya frowns as he wrings out the excess water from his fur collar and hair. He didn't expect the formerly sunny and breezy day to suddenly transform into a rainy and cold one.

Then again, he should've known better than to simply rely on the weather to be consistent, especially since the last few days have been a mix of the shining rays and pattering raindrops.

He sighs in relief, seeing that the bag of food he got at Good Hunter a few minutes ago is still dry thanks to the extra covering Sara provided. Checking the food inside, he's satisfied to see how warm it still is. On a cold and rainy day such as today, indulging in some warm and comforting food is a pleasant feeling.

After taking off his fur collar and drying his hair and skin with a nearby towel, he flickers his gaze to the snoring body on the couch. As much as he wants you to get your sleep in, he knows you haven't eaten anything yet.

He gently shakes your shoulders. "Hey, (Y/N). I'm back, and I got you some food," he whispers.

"Huh..." You slowly sit up and look around in suspicion, staring at the darkness of the window for a while in silence.

It's clearly a rainy night, but exactly what time is it? Where are you? Why are you sleeping on the couch?

You flicker your eyes to the male kneeling beside you, who is just looking at you with a smile. Based on his appearance and the towel that's draped over his shoulder, he's definitely damp.

"You appear to be a little lost. Don't say you forgot what my relationship to you is. I'm your boyfriend, don't you remember?" He regards you with a softened expression and brushes his hand against your forehead.

You look at the ticking clock that's situated in the kitchen. As if on cue, you suddenly remember where you're at and who this man is. You frown at the smirk written across his face and repeatedly smack his arm.

"Stupid Kaeya! Do you know what time it is and how worried I was about you?! I thought you were in danger somewhere far away, or maybe you got eaten by some wolves... or maybe the hilichurls captured and cooked you—"

"What kind of books have you been reading...?" he mumbles, lifting himself off the ground. He makes his way over to the dining table and gestures to it with a hand. "Your food, my love."

Your face scrunches up. "Did Zhongli's meteor hit your head or something?"

"Oh? Mentioning another man's name in front of me so easily... how rude."

"Hey, it's a valid question. You're quite a teaser, but you've never used an affectionate nickname like 'my love' before. Not on me, at least."

"Interesting. With the way you're phrasing things, it seems you're implying something, no?"

"No implications here," you quickly say as you begin eating the food that he bought. Your mind naturally drifts to the conversation you had with the male about two hours ago.

Due to not feeling well at the time, you asked Kaeya to buy you some of your favorite food at Good Hunter for tonight's dinner. Apparently, he was going to be out late and won't be able to get your food as early as you had hoped, but you were fine with it.

For some reason, though, Kaeya wouldn't explain what he had to do so late at night. The only vague answer he gave was a simple "just some business," and left it at that. It's evident he's hiding his whereabouts and his assigned tasks.

You've even tried questioning Jean about it, and (not surprisingly) she said she doesn't recall giving him any tasks to do, especially not so late in the evening.

The sound of a chair sliding over interrupts your thoughts. You turn to the navy blue-haired male, only to feel the cool contact of his hands holding your face in place. He's staring at you intently with an inscrutable expression, his head slightly tilted.

"Umm... is something wrong?" you murmur after some time of silence, looking at him in confusion.

Kaeya suddenly smirks and shakes his head, letting go of your face. "Well, you're quite the character, aren't you. Showing no reaction despite how close I was..."

He leans back in his chair and faces you with a closed-eyed smile. "...How interesting. I suppose that's why you're my lover."

You sigh. "Stop joking around, Kaeya. Since when were we dating?"

"Oh, so now you notice my choice of words. Why is it that you didn't react from before when I referred to myself as your boyfriend?"

"Hmm... I don't know... I guess it sounded natural, so I didn't think much about it."

He slowly leans across the table, the smirk on his lips remains unwavering, as his blue eye focuses on you. "So the thought of me as your boyfriend sounds natural to you, is that right?" he teases.

You heave a jaded sigh, putting your utensil down. "Okay, my wording was off. But you know what I meant! Like my mind was still fuzzy from that long sleep, and I was con—"

"You know, calling you 'my love' sounds natural as well."



If only it was possible to summon Zhongli's meteor so that it can bonk the heck out of certain people.

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