Beidou | Not A Kid

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"Heeey, (Y/N)! There you are. Don't you dare think about running away from me again."

Immediately, you cover your head with your arms and easily dodge her outstretched hands. She laughs loudly in response and quickly puts an arm around your neck, putting you in a headlock.

"Beidouu...!" you whine, struggling to move away from her as she continues to drag you around the harbor like a broken doll.

While you are fond of Beidou, particularly appreciating her kindness and courage, one thing you absolutely can't stand is her treatment toward you.

More specifically, the way she views you as her little sibling.

To further confirm your annoyance, she gives you a lopsided grin and leans her head down to whisper the one word she says way too often.

"I got you, kid. Can't run now, hm?"

You frown. "I'm not a kid anymore!"

"Oh, I know. When I say 'kid', it's meant to be in an endearing way, you know?" she explains. "Everyone in the crew loves calling you that, especially Sea Drake. He just loves you to bits, that guy."

You quietly sigh. That's right... Sea Drake was the first one on board to refer you as "kid" and gradually, the rest of the members eventually started to call you that too. You're not upset by that, of course; if anything, you are exceptionally happy since you view them as your siblings.

The only issue is that you don't see their captain as such. Your feelings for her are much more romantic-based, so much so that whenever you see her, you have an urge to jump into the ocean to cool off the warmth you experience when she's in your presence.

She is just so beautiful in your eyes, her glow even more evident when surrounded by the crew, where she's enjoying Xiangling's spicy cooking and gulping down alcohol. These moments give you the chance to see her adorable flushed face and to hear her loud laughter.

You feel at peace, your heart soaring.

And in other moments (such as now), you feel embarrassed.

But a pinch to your cheek and her familiar laugh breaks your thoughts. You watch as Beidou releases you from the headlock, and with a smile, turns to leave.

She stops. "Oh, almost forgot."

Leaning down to your eye level, she gives you a closed-eyed smile before ruffling your hair. "I'll see you around, okay, (Y/N)?"


Achievement unlocked: get Beidou to call you by your first name instead of "kid".

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