Jean | Dozing Away

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"The office should be somewhere here, right...?" you murmur to yourself, eyes scanning the many wooden doors in the hallway. "Damn Kaeya didn't say which door."

You take note of the small bit of light coming from one door and head to it. Pushing open the door slightly, you peer inside and immediately, your gaze lands on Jean.

She's currently turned around, seemingly looking for a particular book. As expected, despite how busy she is with all the work she has to get done on time, her desk is still kept clean and organized.

"Knock knock," you say gently to make your presence known before going inside. She turns around, evident surprise gracing her face, as she places the book she found on the table and makes her way over to you.

"(Y/N)? Is everything okay? Are you okay?" she promptly asks. Her hands land on your shoulders as she turns you from side to side, checking for any injuries of some sort. You laugh softly and squeeze her hands to assure your safety.

"I'm okay, really! I came by your house to drop some food off, but since you weren't at home like usual, I got worried, is all," you explain. A sigh of relief passes her lips, her eyes closing for a moment.

Ever since you and Jean started dating, she has been much more protective and constantly worries about your safety. For instance, coming back from your daily commissions always results in a worried Jean rushing over to you, asking if you're okay with her hands on your shoulders. Although she denies it, you're pretty sure she just stands around and waits for you to come back through the gates. Why else would she be present at the front every time?

"I'm so glad you're okay..." she whispers as she lets go of you, a hand over her heart. You caress her cheek, examining her weary eyes. She looks immensely exhausted.

"Are you almost done with work?" you ask hopefully.

She leans into your loving touches, heaving a jaded sigh and flickers her eyes to the sea of books. "Not yet, I still have to get one more task done. I apologize for making you worry about me like this."

"It's okay. I'll just be over there," you say and gesture to the raised platform that's near a bookshelf, "resting and waiting for you to finish up. Let me know if you need any help, okay?"

"Will do..." she mumbles, enjoying your company for a while longer before forcing herself to get back to work.

Your eyes flutter open, and realizing that you fell asleep, you jolt awake and push yourself off the floor. The book that was on your lap drops to the ground with a soft thud, startling you.

"Oh, right... I was reading this boring book..."

Picking up the book, you put it back in its original place and shift your attention over to the blonde-haired female who has her head and arms atop the desk. The sight of your sleeping girlfriend is always something you enjoy looking at as she looks so at peace.

A paper filled with a bunch of writing catches your eye. You smile at the filled paper since it means she completed her work on time.

As much as you want to go home and doze away in the comfy and toasty bed, you decide to let her sleep in for a bit longer. You shrug off your jacket and wrap it around her shoulders comfortably, giving her a quick kiss on the head.

You might as well sleep some more too. Luckily there's still enough room on the wooden table for your head to rest. You pull over a chair and nestle your head into your arms, turning to gaze at her sleeping face.

She's so cute...

Before you know it, your focus on Jean is fading as sleep gradually consumes you.

"This... this is much better than reading a boring book..." you say quietly before drifting off to dreamland.


Time for a nice nap.

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