A fox friend

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Hi yes it is more Ohio/Mich/PA/Indi (Rustbelt ship for short)

There's not a lot of actual ship content but it's there, this is mostly Michigan and his fox, an
idea which I took from bayboo20


Michigan walked into the apple orchard, the ground wet beneath his feet. He looked at the trees sprinkled with red apples, some had fallen on the ground, as well as a few branches. He started to get worried, a storm had come by here last night and his fox friend could be hurt.

"Apple! Apple!" He called for the red fox, hoping he would appear. He waited for a moment, but didn't see him. He looked around the orchard to see if Apple was close by, still he didn't see him.

"Apple! Where are you?" He called out again, looking around worriedly. His eyes fell upon a similar red furry face. He smiled widely now that he saw Apple. He approached the fox, occasionally telling him that it was ok. Apple looked at him cautiously, shivering a little bit. Michigan was worried that he had become scared of him, they had become such good friends how could he be scared of him? Apple let him approach but didn't move to him, Michigan looked at him with worry.

"Hey buddy are you ok?" Michigan asked, his voice as soft as a kitten's fur. He kneeled down to where Apple was and put his hand on his body to pet him. He felt the familiar thick, soft fur. He smiled at the smaller creature, who looked back up at him. He could tell the poor animal was shivering, but he didn't know why, it was a bit chilly but it wasn't cold.

He got up and called for Apple to follow him. The fox weakly started walking, his strides wobbly and unbalanced, it looked like he would collapse at any time. Michigan ran over to him to make sure he was ok. That's when it hit him, Apple was sick. He decided that now was a better time than ever to bring him home, he didn't want Apple's sickness to get worse or for him to get hurt.

He picked up the weak fox, his body slightly limp in his arms. He looked down at him with pity as he brought him to his car. He placed the shivering fox onto the back car seat. He shut the door as quietly as he could so as not to scare the sick fox. He got into the driver's seat and started the car.


He pulled into the garage and stopped the car. He grabbed his keys and hopped out onto the concrete below. He walked over to the back seat and opened the door, he looked at Apple and smiled. He picked up the red fox and brought him inside of the house.

He looked around at the other states, some of which gave him confused looks. None of them said anything, after all Florida had a pet gator how weird could a fox be? Apple looked at the other states with fear, these were new people, he'd never met them before.

Michigan brought Apple up the stairs and to his room. He put Apple down onto the floor and opened the door. He picked Apple back up and brought him inside. He looked up and saw his three boyfriends cuddled on his bed watching something on the TV.

"Hello!" Michigan greeted, a smile on his face.

"Hey Michi- Oh my! Who do you have there?" Indiana exclaimed in surprise, he was not expecting Michigan to bring any animal home, let alone a red fox. Ohio and PA looked at the fox with surprise.

"This is Apple, I found him at an apple orchard awhile ago and it seems that a storm made him sick." He stated, telling the quick version of the story.

"Is he ok?" Ohio asked, looking down at the timid fox, his face a mix of worry and sympathy. Apple looked up at him, a fearful expression on his face.

"He's fine, just sick, I'm planning on taking to a vet as soon as I can." Michigan responded, looking down at Apple.

"They're not gonna hurt you." Michigan assured him, speaking softly as to not startle the fearful creature. He bent down to rub the soft red fur.

"So you just saw a fox and took it?" Pennsylvania asked, laughing a little bit.

"We became friends first, then like I said he got sick so I brought him here." Michigan answered as he stood back up to look at the Northeasterner.

"Can I pet Apple?" Indi asked, looking up at Michigan from the bed, wide eyed and happy.

"You may, but please be careful, I don't want him to get scared." Michigan told Indi, looking at Apple as he spoke. Indiana nodded and hopped off the bed to pet Apple. The red fox looked at him, his yellow eyes filled to the brim with fear, but he didn't leave.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Indiana said smiling, he tried to assure the fox that he wouldn't hurt him. He bent down to touch Apple's red fur. His hand stroked the thick coat. Apple didn't try to move, he let Indi pet him.

"I think he might be ok with you." Michigan said, smiling at both his boyfriend and Apple.

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