You can take my land but you can't take my son

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Some child Ohio and France
Philippe: Ohio (cause it's the French version of Phillip)

"Hey there!" France greeted, looking down at his child.

"Pa pa!" Philippe exclaimed happily, trying to climb France. France picked up the toddler in response.

"No don't climb Pa pa." France told him, holding the toddler who started trying to climb on top of France's head. France sighed in defeat.

"Do you wanna go outside? France asked.

"Pond?" Philippe responded, wanting to catch the frogs.

"Yeah the pond!" France exclaimed happily, taking his child outside. Philippe's eyes widened at the night sky sprinkled with bright white stars.

"Pond!" Philippe exclaimed, pointing towards the body of water.

"Let's go to the pond." France said, walking over to the pond. He sat down by the body of water and set down Philippe, who immediately rushed towards a frog he saw. He dove into the water and grabbed the frog, holding it up like a trophy.

"That's great son! You should let him go though." France told Philippe, who put the frog down in response.

"Bye bye!" Philippe exclaimed, waving at the frog as it hopped back into the water.

"Can you come here I need to tell you something." France said, watching as Philippe walked over. France picked him up and put him in his lap.

"In a few days Britain is going to come over and you're gonna be staying with him." France said, Philippe looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

"B-bad man?" Philippe asked, France nodded.

"But he'll take good care of you. You won't be seeing me though." France responded, tears forming in his eyes.

"Britain will be your new dad." France told Philippe, he hugged France and started crying.

"No!" Philippe exclaimed, not wanting France to leave him.

"I'm sorry but I can't change anything, I still love, and will always love you." France responded, kissing the top of his baby's head. He can take my land, why does he need to take my son! France thought, he hated that Britain was going to be taking away his son.

France laid down on the ground, Philippe laid on his chest, still crying. France hugged his child close to him as he stared at the night sky, trying to fall asleep.

"Why do you need to take him?!" France asked.

"He's your son, he's going to be important. I have your territory here, so I need him." Britain responded, holding Philippe.

"Pa pa!" Philippe exclaimed, pointing to France as he tried to escape Britain's grasp.

"You see he wants to be with me! Why can't I keep my son?!" France asked, he could feel tears start to form in his eyes.

"He's mine now, I'm sorry France." Britain said, getting up to leave.

"Pa pa!" Philippe exclaimed, his panic rising. He tried to get out of Britain's arms to go to his dad, but was unable to.

"Britain get over here and let me say bye-" France tried saying something, but was stopped by a door slamming shut.

"-to my son." France finished, falling on the ground and letting the tears in his eyes fall.

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