Flower field

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Some very short KenGeo fluff
"It's so beautiful." Georgia said, looking out at the sea of flowers.

"Not as beautiful as you." Kentucky responded, looking at his husband and smiling. The pair sat down on the grass, the warm sun shining down on them.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Geo asked, smiling.

"Just thought it would be nice." Kentucky responded, looking out onto the flower field.

"Do you not like it?" Tucky asked, a sad look on his face as he looked back towards Geo.

"What no. I love it!" Georgia responded, reassuring Kentucky.

"I knew you'd love it." Kentucky said, his smile never faltering. He loved being with Georgia more than anything, he was the best husband Kentucky could ever ask for.

"Not as much as I love you." Georgia cooed.

"I love you too Peaches." Tucky responded, pulling Geo into a hug. Georgia hugged back, he didn't want to let go of Kentucky. Kentucky pulled back a bit and kissed his husband, Georgia kissed back. The kiss was soft and sweet, and as warm as the sun. After a few seconds the two pulled away. They looked into each others eyes, still smiling.

"I love you." Geo said, looking into Kentucky's dark green eyes.

Kentucky brought Geo into another kiss, this time it was significantly shorter, but still as sweet as the last.

"I love you too." Tucky responded, looking into Georgia's blue eyes.

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