Murder hornets 2 electric boogaloo

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Washington: So apparently the murder hornets hibernate and then wake up in July.
Florida: So murder hornets 2 electric boogaloo!
Loui: I hope the sequel is better than the original.

Florida: What do you call a group of Floridians?
Florida: A crime!

Indiana: Why is there so much blood?
Wisconsin: Well Ohio and Michigan got into a fight of course it's gonna look like a crime scene.

Cali: From personal experiences depression and ice cream are a match made in heaven.

Iowa: Welcome to the Midwest!
Iowa: It's just corn, nothing but corn, so much corn.

Indiana, points to Ohio: You're one of my boyfriends.
Indiana, points to Michigan: And you're my best friend.
Indiana: So can you two please stop fighting?
Ohio: Look I'm sorry but no, he's a fucking bitch!
Michigan, rolling up his sleeves: I'll show you what this bitch can do!
Indiana, to himself: Why do I keep thinking they'll stop?

Alabama: Hey I'm ba-
Indiana, and Ohio: *tackle him to the ground*

New Mexico: He just won't get off.
Arizona: *clinging onto New Mexico*

Random person: Coco's a lazy stoner.
Illythia: You wanna say that again?
Illythia: Do you wanna fucking say that again!?

Statehouse stuff 2, electric boogalooWhere stories live. Discover now