69 69

391 15 2

IDC: Honey I'm a queen!

Cali: I might like Starbucks.
Cali: But if you shake your ice in your iced coffee.
Cali: I will hate you.

Cali: I'm gonna just take this.
Texas: Give me back my hat!
Cali, running off: NOPE! It's mine now!

Ohio and Michigan, fighting each other:
Indiana: Not again.

Ohio: I might be a bad state.
Ohio: That is all.

Alabama: Things that are a cinnamon roll and need to be protected.
Alabama: Number 1: Fluffy.
Alabama: Number 2: Indiana.

Loui: Say something into the mic.
Florida: 69 69.
Loui: Truly beautiful.

Kentucky: Utah your family is good and all.
Kentucky: But mine is better!

Florida: I can and will preform 87 felonies at once.
DC: Don't do that!
Florida: You can't stop me! No one can stop me!

Geo: You being afraid of spiders has gotten out of hand.
Kentucky, hanging from the chandelier: What do you mean?

Indiana: Describe yourself.
Ohio: A mistake, a-
Indiana, slamming his hands down onto the table: NO!

Ohio: Hey Virginia just so you know I still love you.
Virginia: Go kill yourself.
Ohio: Ok...

Statehouse stuff 2, electric boogalooWhere stories live. Discover now