Idk what to title this

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So some context, I have a headcanon that Ohio's "dads" where France and then Britain (and also Virginia). France had to leave him because he had to give the territory to Britain. Britain left him and gave him to a married couple a few years later so he could focus on the colonies.

This isn't a story about that just so you know.

"Welcome to the Midwest meeting." Nebraska said, no one was really in charge of the meetings but most of the Midwestern states had unofficially crowned Nebraska the leader. Something Iowa didn't like.

"Now I hope all of you will be on your best behavior." Nebraska said, shooting a look at Ohio and Michigan. The two rivals glared at each other, but didn't say anything.

"Yeah no that's not happening." Illinois said, pointing to Ohio and Michigan.

"Can you not fight today?" Indiana whispered as he asked Ohio.

"Yeah no I can't promise that." Ohio whispered back. Indiana nodded in response, knowing that his boyfriend would always fight his best friend, even if he said he didn't want that to happen.

"What is it with you two? Like I hate Wisconsin, but I wouldn't kill him." Minnesota said, his voice laced with confusion. He would never understand the burning hatred the two states had for each other.

"Because he's a bitch." Ohio said, glaring at Michigan.

"Wow that's the best insult you can come up with, maybe it's because your little brain can't think of anything other than skyline chili and football." Michigan responded, glaring back at Ohio.

"Says the fucking dumbass that still thinks he can beat Ohio State." Ohio exclaimed, getting angrier.

"At least I'm not a dumpster fire!" Michigan exclaimed.

"Yeah you're not, calling you a dumpster fire would be a compliment." Ohio responded, glaring daggers into his rival's eyes.

"At least my 'dads' didn't leave me." Michigan responded, putting air quotes around the word "dads" . The Midwestern states froze, they had heard the two say and do some pretty horrible stuff to each other, but they've never heard that.

Ohio froze, not knowing what to say. He felt like crying and punching Michigan at the same time, but tried his best not to. Indiana could tell his boyfriend was about to break, he didn't want that to happen.

"Let's go out of the room." Indiana said, walking out of the room and motioning for Ohio to follow, which he did. The pair sat down along the wall by the room they were just in.

"Why w-would h-he f-fucking say th-that!?" Ohio stuttered out, starting to cry.

"Do you want me hug you?" Indiana asked, not wanting to startle his boyfriend. Ohio just nodded in response. Indiana wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, leaning on his chest. Ohio wrapped his arms around him, crying into him.

"It's alright, do you wanna stay here for a bit?" Indiana asked, his voice muffled slightly. Ohio just nodded, he wanted to just go to back to his room and cuddle with his boyfriends, but for now this was alright.

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