A few U of M and MSU headcanons

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This wasn't asked for, but I'm still writing it lol

Might be biased against U of M (UM for convenience) because I am a Buckeyes fan.

MSU = Michigan State University (team is the Spartans)

UM = University of Michigan (team is the Wolverines)
-They're both brothers so that means sibling rivalry

-UM is the older brother, MSU is the younger

-MSU is taller though (just enough for it to be annoying)

-MSU will hold his brother's items just out of reach of his brother

-UM will get him back by hiding his items

-When they where younger (and UM was taller) UM would put items just out on counters where his brother couldn't reach

-They switch out each other's merchandise for their own (probably doing most of that during the week of their game vs each other)

-Very competitive

-Will turn random things into a challenge

-Will do anything to make the other mad

-Probably fought each other over something stupid

-Who am I kidding they definitely fought each other over something stupid

-During thanksgiving week (aka the week the Buckeyes aka OSU plays the Wolverines aka UM) MSU will get OSU merch and replace his brother's merch with it

-During the actual game MSU will cheer on OSU just so he can see his brother lose
Might add more later but this is all I have for now

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