No homo

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West Virginia: Remember to always say "no homo" when you kiss the homies goodnight.

Ohio: You never said no homo to me, am I not a homie?

West Virginia: Oh I forgot to say it, you're still a homie though.

West Virginia: You look cute today!

West Virginia: No homo of course.

Ohio: Thank you.

PA: Are you gay?

West Virginia: No.

West Virginia: The real question is, am I gay for Ohio?

West Virginia: Which I am not!

Ohio: Can I have a hundred bucks?

Ohio: I'll pay you back.

West Virginia: I'll give it to you for a kiss.

West Virginia: But only if you want, you know no homo of course!

West Virginia: I'm not gay!

West Virginia: I always say no homo.

PA: I feel like you like Ohio?

West Virginia: I'm not gay but why wouldn't I?

West Virginia: He's cute, he's hot, he's nice, he's funny, he's the best fucking person their is...


West Virginia: No homo of course!

Ohio: Just so you know I have two boyfriends.

West Virginia: I'm not gay!

PA: But if Ohio and his boyfriends are ok with it, polyamory can have branches.

West Virginia: Like I said, I'm not gay!

Ohio: Are you sure you aren't gay?

West Virginia: Yes!

West Virginia: How could I be gay?

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