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Indiana, Ohio, and Alabama laid on their bed. Ohio dreaded tomorrow, he'd always been afraid of fireworks, they terrified him. His boyfriends knew this and spent a lot of their time during the Fourth of July comforting the Midwestern state.

"Wait I almost forgot, me and Indi got you something." Alabama told Ohio as he left the room. The Southerner came back a few moments later holding something.

"Here!" Alabama chirped, handing the box to Ohio.

"What's this?" Ohio asked, looking at box, confused.

"It's for you!" Indiana chimed in.

"Yeah but what is it?" Ohio asked.

"It's a pair of noise canceling headphones." Alabama told Ohio, pointing to the label on the box.

"It's so you can enjoy the fireworks tomorrow!" Indiana exclaimed happily.

"We thought you would like to see them, and we don't want you to be afraid." Alabama said, smiling as he looked at Ohio.

"Thank you!" Ohio exclaimed, he'd always wanted to see fireworks, but his PTSD had stopped him from seeing them. He was just happy to be able to see them tomorrow.

"Are you happy?" Indiana asked, smiling.

"Very!" Ohio replied, looking at the box and smiling.

"You should try them on." Alabama said, Ohio nodded and opened the box, putting on the headphones.

"Can you hear me?" Alabama asked. Ohio could see Alabama's lips moving but couldn't hear a sound.

"I can't hear you." Ohio said, happy the headphones were working so far. Alabama and Indiana smiled at each other. Indi and Alabama talked for a while, making sure Ohio couldn't hear anything. After a few minutes Ohio took off the headphones.

"Could you hear us?" Indiana asked.

"No, I couldn't hear a thing." Ohio responded, smiling. He was so happy they were working. He hoped they would work for tomorrow night.

"That's great!" Indi exclaimed happily.

"Let's hope they work for tomorrow." Bama said, smiling. Ohio nodded in agreement.

Ohio yawned, stretching as he woke up. He threw on his t-shirt and shorts, he put on his buckeye necklace, and his hat. He headed downstairs toward the other states, he could hear some of the other states talking. He looked around and saw his boyfriends talking. He walked over towards them.

"Hello!" Ohio greeted, sitting down.

"Ope hi!" Indiana greeted back.

"Hello, how are you?" Alabama asked.

"I'm very excited!" Ohio exclaimed, answering Alabama's question.

"I bet, from what I know you've never seen fireworks before?" Alabama asked, he wanted to make sure he was right.

"Nope, never seen them. I've always wanted to though, the sound of them just terrifies me, so I've never been able to." Ohio answered, confirming what Alabama thought.

"Well you get to see them tonight." Indiana chirped.

"And I'm very excited about that." Ohio said, smiling.

"Let's go!" Indiana exclaimed, grabbing Ohio's hand.

"Hold on let me go get the headphones. You go outside with Alabama, I'll meet up with you guys in a sec." Ohio said, Indiana nodded and headed outside. Ohio grabbed his headphones and went outside. He sat down next to his boyfriends, looking at the black sky with excitement. He was shaking, but not out of fear, he was shaking out of excitement.

"Hey!" Alabama greeted.

"Hi!" Ohio greeted back, his voice brimming with excitement.

"Are you cold? You're shaking a lot." Indiana said, looking at Ohio with concern.

"Nope! Just very excited!" Ohio exclaimed, smiling widely.

"That's great! They're gonna start soon." Indiana said, Ohio nodded and put on the headphones. He could see Alabama and Indiana talking to each other, but couldn't hear them. His gaze drifted towards the sky with intent.

He watched as a firework shot up in the sky, an explosion of blue capturing his eyes. His mouth dropped a little, his eyes became wide.

"Did you see that?" Ohio asked, looking at his boyfriends with excitement. They just nodded, knowing their boyfriend couldn't hear them. His gaze was taken back towards the night sky, seeing an explosion of red fill the sky. He smiled with excitement, his eyes still wide as he stared up at the sky.

"Did you see that one? It was red!" Ohio exclaimed, looking back at his boyfriends. He was brimming with excitement, he was so happy to finally see fireworks after so long. He didn't even wait for an answer as he saw another firework shoot up into the sky. He gazed with excitement at red and blue explosion.

"That one was red and blue!" He told his boyfriends with excitement, his eyes being brought back to the sky again. An explosion, white this time, caused his eyes to widen again.

"He's so happy." Alabama told Indiana.

"I'm so happy we got him those headphones." Indiana replied. The pair were just happy their boyfriend could finally enjoy the fireworks.

Ohio continued watching as the fireworks got more frequent, he just stared at the sky, his jaw was dropped a little and his eyes were wide. He was so happy to finally see them.

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